
57 2 0

A/N: Trigger is up for rape


"Don't be late. Again," she warns him over the phone.

"I know, I know. Sheesh you're such a nag!" He complains.

"Well I can't help it if your sense of punctuality is entirely warped-" she teases.

"It is noooot~" - she can almost hear the pout in his voice - "I just over-sleep sometimes..."

"Then set multiple alarms, Yoongi!" despite herself, she was smiling.

"Okayyyy. You're like my mom or something, Byeol-"

"Good night~" she cut him off mid-sentence.

"Good night, see you tomorrow."

They hang up, smiling like idiots at their phones. This was going to be their 4th date. Well, if the rest of the times they met up counted as dates, that is. (Because really, does asking someone to accompany you to a patients' funeral count as a date?) And there was that other time they met up at 1am after Star got off work for a late night snack. That was nice, though. Street food is the best. And the ahjumma that tended the stall always gave her extra food, saying she needed to eat more. Free street food is even better.


She checks her reflection and pulls her hair-band off, deciding to let her hair down. She left the black band around her wrist, in case she felt like tying it up later that night. There's a knock on her door and she checks her lipstick one last time before grabbing her purse and opening the front door.


She looks up at him just in time to hear - and watch - him whistle. She shoves him playfully while rolling her eyes and puts on her shoes.

"Hey, I'm almost your height now!" she teased as she slid into her black velvet wedges. They weren't that tall, really. She was just joking.

He put his arm around her shoulder, laughing. "You wish, shortie."

"Oh please, as if you aren't short yourself."

"I'm almost 20cm taller than you."

"Keyword: almost. And right now you're probably only 10cm taller."

Suga pouts and pulls his arm off her shoulder.

"Okay, 12cm."

He shakes his head with a lopsided grin and takes her hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk to the lift. This isn't the first time they had held hands since they started dating. But it always makes Star's face burn up and she looks at her feet, hiding behind her hair as it cascades down her face.

"I think you got the message," he says as he presses the button for the lobby, "but I just wanted to say that you look fabulous tonight." He grins at her.

"I'm only wearing lipstick-"

"Not the make-up, silly. I meant everything. Your whole outfit: the hair, the shoes, oh my God don't get me started on that dress. You never wear dresses. And ok, sure - you're totally rocking that dark matt lipstick and it's taking every atom in me not to do something very dangerous to you right now. But it's not just that. You feel better. You're giving off a better aura. I think it's because you finally got some rest from work."

Byeolbit was already biting her bottom lip from the moment he said 'everything' and her face turned beet-red when he got to 'something very dangerous' - they still haven't kissed - and well let's just say she's right about to faint right now. That would be quite the spectacle, she thinks. She shakes her head and tries to maintain her usual collected self.

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