Chapter 15

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Alex POV

Today I'm going to Monticello with Thomas! I've been practically buzzing with excitement all morning, and I think Thomas can tell. Luckily, he doesn't say anything but just looks amused.

But Thomas reminds me that as soon as we get to school we're going to the principal about Reynolds. I honestly really don't want to, because like, what if Reynolds finds out? Then I'll surely be in trouble...

"Are you ready darlin'?" Thomas jerks me out my thoughts. He's just parked the car.

"I-I think so? I just don't know if this is, if this is the best idea, you know? Like, is it really that bad? Maybe we can just-" He cuts me off from my rambling, which I'm actually grateful for because I'm starting to panic. Reynolds will actually kill me if he finds out! We can't do this! What if he starts messing with Thomas too? No Thomas wouldn't le-

"Alex!" I look at him quickly, my hands shaking. "Hey, it's gonna be alright, ok? I promise you, you would be a lot worse off if we don't do anything. Once an adult hears what he's done to you, he won't be allowed near you ever again. And hey, I'll be making sure of that anyway, ok?" I stare into his eyes for a second.

"O-ok," I say quietly, and look down.

The walk to the principal seems all too short, especially because we got here relatively early, which means there isn't many students around. But unfortunately, when we step into the office, Mr. Washington is walking out.

"Alexander? Thomas? What are you doing here?" I feel much more comfortable sharing these things with Washington than any other teacher, so I nod to Thomas when he looks at me to see if he could tell him.

"We're on our way to the principal." Thomas says plainly. Washington looks confused, and a little worried.

"May I ask why?" He inquires, turning his gaze to me.

"Uh-uh, it's kinda a lot to tell, but um, I can tell you after debate...?" I say quietly, hoping he won't push it.

"Sure," he tells me, and opens the door again. "Have a good day son." I roll my eyes. I hate it when he calls me son.

I would have to tell Washington about this anyway, because it just so happens that his wife, Martha, works at the school too, and guess who she is. The principal. I would want Washington to hear it from me, and I know he does seem to care about me, in a fatherly sort of way, which I guess is nice. Although I will say that if the principal was anyone other than Mrs. Washington, I would not be standing outside that door right now.

"Alexander! Come in! Oh, and hello Thomas." She greets us, smiling. "Have a seat! What can I do for you?"

"Well, Alexander has something he would like to tell you about." Thomas nudges me, and gives me an encouraging look. Suddenly, my panic is back. I want to tell her everything, but my lips seem to be glued shut. I'm paralyzed in fear, and my breathing starts to get rapid. I look to Thomas for guidance, and I think he can tell some of what's going on in my head, and wraps an arm around me. I can't do this!

"Can-can you tell her...?" I whisper shakily into his ear, my body on the verge of trembling uncontrollably.

"Of course," he says, giving me one last look, and then faces Mrs. Washington.. "We thought you should know that for the majority of Alex's time here, he has been harassed by a person named James Reynolds. Reynolds has been beating him up, and I don't think that sort of thing should be tolerated anymore! You said he broke your ribs once, right?" He looks to me, and I just nod once.

Mrs. Washington suddenly look very serious.

"Why haven't I been told of this sooner?" She asks calmly, but in her eyes I can tell she's mad at me.

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