Chapter 5

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Alex POV

I'm so comfortable and warm right now Last night was the best sleep I have gotten for a while... wait. Last night! Oh my god! I totally had a panic attack, but then... Thomas was there? I remember him holding me, comforting me, it was really sweet of him, especially because most of the time he acts like I'm the scum of the Earth.

Then I feel something shift against me. At first I freak out and open my eyes, but then calm down because it's just Thomas. Wait, Thomas? I can't see his face, but mine is snuggled into his neck, my body curled up into him, and I can feel his arm around me, and his hand on my back. It's weird how comfortable I am right now. I guess he's less annoying when he's not talking, heh.

I tiredly yawn and decide to go back to sleep, because heaven knows I need it. Pressing my face into his chest, I close my eyes again.

Thomas POV

I've just woken up to the most precious thing I have ever seen. Get it together Thomas, you make it sound like you're in love with him or something. I immediately blush at the thought. Anyway, Alexander is snuggled against me, and his fists are balled up, holding onto my shirt. Looks like I'm staying this way until he wakes up. I try to ignore how I don't feel any annoyance, but shift my legs a little to get more comfortable.

Suddenly, Alex yawns into my neck, almost making me shiver, and presses his face into my shirt. My heart almost melts. I wonder if he woke up? Probably not, otherwise he would've realized someone else was in his bed, and maybe even yelled at me. For some reason, I didn't really want to argue with him, and while usually thinking about causing him trouble lifts my spirits, I have no desire to do that at all. How strange... I just wish we could stay like this all day, and I could just stop worrying about complicated stuff.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep again until I felt the warmth disappear. I frown, and open my eyes.

"G-good morning," he says softly, looking a little scared. While I would usually to be happy to see that, right now I want nothing more than to see that fear go away, and to bring back the Alex I know. I yawn and stretch before replying,

"Mornin'." He stares awkwardly at the ground before looking back up at me.

"I, um, I'm sorry about last night... you were never meant to see me like that, and uh, you didn't need to do that, so t-thank you," he says just as timidly as before, and I decided I never want to see him like this again.

"It's really no problem. I may not like you, but I'm not a complete monster!" I try to joke, and it seems to work a little bit, because Alexander starts to smile a little.

"Hm, I don't know, you kinda look like a monster to me..." he says, pretending to observe me like I'm some sort of specimen. I'm about to retort with some comment about his appearance, but realize what he said wasn't meant to be an insult, Alex was just light heartedly joking around. Besides, there's not much to criticize about his looks anyway. This is new. And since when was he Alex?! I chuckle, quickly sitting up. I need to eat something, I'm not thinking straight (lol, damn right you're not).

After I ate breakfast I decided to sit down and watch TV, but I soon realized that I wouldn't be able to focus on anything happening. Alex-no-Hamilton (why does that sound weird to say now?) sits beside me, and I notice him switch the channel, but I don't care. Why do I keep calling him by his first name now? And why do I feel all warm and fuzzy when I look at him. Ew, I sound so cliché. I do not like Alex!

I mean, now that I think about it though, I've always kind of felt that way when I see him, but I hadn't been paying attention to it. Probably so distracted by whatever we were debating. It's now that I realize, I don't really dislike him, I just think a lot of his opinions are off.

Why do I bully him anyway? There's nothing to gain from it anymore, I mean, before I was supposedly doing it to "maintain my social status", but it's Senior year, and I'm not going to see most of these people for the rest of my life, so why do I care? I can be friends with him if I want to!

I mean, we'll always argue and disagree over things, but I don't have to keep taking it so far. What about him annoyed me so much anyway? Just like that, I know. All the anger I had towards him wasn't towards him, it was towards myself. He made me feel things, things I don't normally feel. He confused me.

How could I let myself have a crush on him?! I guess it doesn't matter now. All I can do now is hope that I can fix things between us and he'll consider maybe being my friend. I can't ask any more of him, and he definitely would never like me back.

I snap out of my thoughts when I see Alex getting up. I'll talk to him later. I always did procrastinate on everything, unlike Alexander, I have trouble turning in lots of stuff on time. I glance over when I see him entering the room again. He has one earphone in, and is now wearing... wait a minute, is that my hoodie?

"I hope you don't mind I stole this," he says, gesturing towards the hoodie. I just look at him. I love the way it looks on him, he really is adorable. "Uhhh, Thomas?" he askes, and I quickly snap out of it.

"Oh yeah, it's fine, heh."

He sits back down next to me. "It's very comfy, where'd you get it?"

"Uh, I don't know, I got it for Christmas. Hey why'd you take it anyway?"

"I like to wear my sweatshirts oversized. Sue me."

"Well, yeah, I know, but like you have a million hoodies, and as far as I know, none of them are your size." He looks a little embarrassed at that, and fiddles with his hands.

"Yours are just huge though, like a more efficient blanket." he replies, hugging himself. I just laugh softly, turning my attention back to the television.

A few hours later and we just finished binge watching Schitt's Creek, when I hear the rain start to pick up. Before it was kinda just drizzling, but now it's more of a shower.

I quickly turn to see Alexander holding himself together fine. Well, at least it appears that way. But I take a closer look, and see that his fists are clenched, grabbing fistfuls of my hoodie that he's wearing, and his eyes are darting around nervously.

At least it's not thundering yet. Ok, I may have jinxed it, because a loud clap of thunder sounds, and I see him jump.

"You gonna be ok, darlin'?" I ask him gently, and he looks at me with wide scared eyes, a faint blush on his cheeks.

"You don't have t-to do this... I don't want to be any trouble," My heart shatters looking at him. He thinks I'm just forcing myself to do this or something?

"Like I said earlier, it's not a problem, and I wanna help." I tell him, and there's a flash if lightning. He's instantly at my side, his arms around me, and his face pushed into my shoulder.

"S-sorry, I just needed something to-to ground me," he mumbles timidly, his voice muffled, and goes to pull away. I pull him back towards me, wrapping my arms tightly around him.

"Not a problem." I repeat into his hair, and he finally relaxes against me.

"You have no-" he pauses to yawn, "-idea how much I appreciate this, Thomas." Hearing my first name from his mouth for basically the first time was like music to my ears.

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