Chapter 10

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Thomas POV

Do you know how adorable it is to wake up to Alex nuzzling his face into your stomach? Well I do, and the answer is very. I'm trying very hard not to laugh right now, because I guess my shirt somehow rode up in the night, and his breath is tickling me a bit.

I roll my head over to the side to look into the kitchen to see what time it is. Eleven? That's pretty late but-oh shit! We have to leave today! I glance down at Alex. He looks so peaceful, but we need to pack and get out of here.

"Alex." I say, tapping his shoulder. Ok, this isn't gonna work.

"ALEX GET UPPPP!" I yell suddenly, but even then, all he does is groan.

"No." he mumbles into my tummy, and then I have to laugh.

"Hmm, you better get up, or I will have no choice but to use force." He opens one eye, and looks at me with a look that says 'I dare you,'. And of course, I'm never one to back down from a dare, so I swiftly hook my hands under his arms and yEet him to the other end of the couch.

"Oof," he says, and finally he's awake! "Why are you waking me up this earlyyy??" He groans again.

"Umm, because it's fucking ELEVEN, and we need to GO?"

"Aw, fuck!" Now he starts moving, zooming into his room to presumably pack his stuff, and I get up to do the same.

Alex POV

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Thomas asks, and I nod. We've just finished packing our cars (which didn't take long because we didn't bring much) and cleaning out the house.

"Bye..." I tell him, looking at him, and he smiles at me.

"See ya!" And then I start my car and start the drive.

Back at my apartment, I greet Willow, my cat.

"Hey girl, I missed you!" I pet her head, and she meows at me. I giggle. "According to Thomas, I'm also a cat." I tell her, and she of course looks at me like I'm crazy. John was taking care of her when I was gone, so I decide to call him to see how she was, and also let him know I'm back.

"Hey Alex, what's up?"

"Hey John, just letting you know I'm home now, and wondering how Willow was?"

"Oh, awesome! Yeah, Willow is just the sweetest thing, she didn't give me any problems," he says happily.

"Well that's good. I'm thinking you, Laf and Herc should come over later? I haven't seen you guys in ages!"

"Oh yeah, your boyfriend was hogging you all week," he teases.

"Oh my god, shut the fuck up. Also, you're gonna have to play nice around him, alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you might be seeing more of him now. We decided that we didn't really need to hate each other's guts." I explain, making my way to my bedroom to unpack.

"Haha, ok lover boy. Anyway, should I tell Laf and Herc to come to yours's later?"

"Yeah, tell them around six," I agree.

Once everyone gets here, we all sit around my living room, me on the couch, John next to me, Laf on the floor and Herc in the chair. We decide to order pizza like usual, and I'm very glad about that, as I haven't had it for ages. But of course, John feels like we aren't having enough fun.

"So guys, did Alex tell you about his boyfriend?"

Laf gasps and Herc's eyes widen, and when I glare at John, he has an evil smirk on his face.

"Oh my fucking god John, he's not my fucking boyfriend!" I tell them, annoyed.

"No no, John, who is it? Come on Alex you can tell us mon amie, we won't be upset if you finally decided to date someone!" Laf exclaims, and my face turns a little pink.

"I'm pretty sure you might be a little upset! And even so, it's just a silly crush, we're not dating!"

"Ok, now we have to know!" Herc tells me, pointing his finger in my face.

"Alright fine! But please don't be mad or laugh at me!" They furiously shake their head, so I continue. "So you know how Mr. Washington-" Laf cuts me off.

"It's not him, is it?!" He asks, genuinely looking worried. I burst out laughing, and so does John.

"Oh god no! It's uh... it's Thomas." I admit, my face now fully red. Instantly there's a chorus of "WHAT??"s from Herc, and Laf is just spewing French. As you can imagine, that night was a... fun one.

Laf was the last to leave, but I was eventually able to get him to leave. But now I'm laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, bored out of my mind. It's back to the way things were, me not being able to go to sleep. To think that I fell asleep at nine last night! It's eleven now, and I just want to watch American Horror Story with Thomas.

That gives me an idea! I grab my phone from my nightstand and look for his contact. We exchanged numbers this morning before we left.

Alex: Heyyyyy

R u awakeeee

Idk if u could tell, but I cant sleep

Thomas: Oh my

Alex: There u are! Did I wake u up?

Thomas: Nah I was watching AHS since u apparently saw the first two seasons already

Alex: :(( That doesn't mean I don't wanna watch it with u!!

Thomas: Go to sleep

Alex: You go to sleep!

Thomas: You need it more than I do

But I'll sleep if u do

Alex: Fine

I just can't help but think that watching Netflix would help me fall asleep

Thomas: Definitely not

Alex: It worked at the cabin

Thomas: We've been over this, it's me not the TV. I'm magical

Alex: Sure

Thomas: S L E E P

Alex: O K A Y

I lay there some more after that, thinking that I would have to suffer all night, but surprisingly, I start to get a little drowsy. I still just feel like... cold. Like there's something missing. Ok, this is how I know I got way too used to sleeping with Thomas next to me. I just... want him to be here. I pout to myself. His hoodie will have to do.

I snatch it off the floor and pull it over my head, instantly getting hit with a wave of his scent. And that's how I fall asleep, curled in a ball, with my face tucked into the sweatshirt.

Follow my Instagram for art and memes: @hamilton_but_emo

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