Chapter 7

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Thomas POV

I'm still feeling kinda grumpy, for no good reason, while I watch Netflix. By myself. But the I hear a door opening and Alex pokes his head in the room.

"Hey, I'm sorry I interrupted, we don't need to do anything..." I tell him honestly. Of course we don't need to do anything together, but I sure as hell still want to.

"It's no problem, really! And besides, I was kind of looking for an excuse to leave that call." What? Why? And that's what I ask him.

"Ah, I don't know. He was embarrassing me." Ok, I don't want to hear anymore about that.

"Uh, ok I guess."

"But now we can hangout right? I mean, if you still want to of course, I-"

"Yeah we can 'hangout'. Heh, do you wanna watch something?" I ask him, patting the couch next to me.

"Ooooh, American Horror Story!"

"Is it scary?" I ask him. I like scary stuff.

"Uh, kinda, but not really in a jump-scary way, more in like a, 'wow that's so creepy' way."

"Perfect." I say and start the first episode.

A few episodes in, and I am invested. It's so interesting! I'm not really too scared though, but Alex must be, because he's practically glued to my side. I look down to se him staring at the screen with wide eyes.

"Hey Lex, you ok?" He suddenly jerks his head up to look at me. I briefly glance at his lips, before realizing what I'm doing, and quickly look back into his eyes, which are equally as captivating.

"Uh, yeah I guess. But just like-" he looks back to the screen, "-why would he do that?!" he starts rambling on gesturing with his hands, and god I could listen to him talk for hours. That's different.

Alex POV

I'm leaning into Thomas, and I will not lie, it's very comfortable, and I never want to leave this position. He seems to really like the show, which is great because I like it too. I didn't tell him I already saw the first two seasons though. Besides, then I would have to find another excuse to snuggle into him.

Ew, I sound so in love. I'm starting to think maybe, just maybe John was right. Just a little. But I'm a little scared. Now Thomas has seen me vulnerable. Maybe he's just doing this so he can keep doing debate? What if when we go back to school, we go back to the way things were? I don't think I can do that, not after this.

"Thomas?" I yawn out. "Can you pause it and we can keep watching tomorrow? I just wanna sit here, without the bright light." I add, mumbling, and unconsciously tilting my head to rest on his shoulder/arm.

"Sure. You tired?" he asks.

"Nah, not yet. But don't be surprised if I fall asleep."

"You need more rest. It seems like you go without sleep for days sometimes!"

"Hm. That's probably because that's exactly what I do," I tell him.

"Alex! That's not good!" I shift my legs so that my knees are pulled up to my chest.

"I know, I know it's not good, everyone tells me that, like I'm stupid, like I don't know that these things are bad for me. But whenever I lay down in bed, I always feel like I'm wasting time, like I could be getting things accomplished. I just have too much energy, too many thoughts I feel like need to be recorded. Too much work to do."

"Well, I think you can afford to take a break every now and then, especially now. Have you been sleeping here?" He asks, and I can literally feel the presence of his arm resting on the couch above me.

"I didn't get any sleep the first two nights, but the storm..." I'd rather not relive that, "-happened, and ah, I got sleep that night, and I got sleep last night too."

"That's good. It uh, it seems my being there has gotten you to sleep so far." He says, and I can hear the smirk in his voice. My face heats up a little. I guess he's right, he does seem help me sleep. That's different.

"Uh yeah-yeah, I guess so..." I stutter, and turn my face so most of it is covered by his arm.

"Welp, I'm happy to help!" You never would've said that to me a few days ago, I want to say. But I don't know if I want to bring that up just yet. Sometimes it's better to just live in ignorance, if only for a bit.

Sitting there breathing in Thomas' smell (uh, who gave him the right to smell so good?), it really was putting me to sleep. I gladly welcomed the Thomas scented darkness.

Thomas POV

Alexander and I really stayed up late last night. It was around three-thirty am when he went to sleep, and I followed not long after I suppose. It's now nine in the morning, but I don't want to wake him up until he wakes up himself, he needs his sleep. The poor thing over works himself, and it makes me always want to be around him, if only just to make sure he goes to bed.

I don't know what's going to happen when we leave this 'trip'. I mean, I really don't want things to be the same. I really hope Alex is willing to let me at least be around him sometimes. I know my old 'friends', Madison and Reynolds will probably start harassing me, but that's the price I'll have to pay. I was a jerk to Alex and for no reason! I just had to get to know the kid, and look at us now!

All I can do is hope that his friends might also befriend me. I mean, I know Laf won't be too mad, he is my cousin after all, and I've always been able to confide in him. And Hercules seems like a decent guy. I just don't know how long I'll be able to stop myself from snapping at Laurens. He'll keep my Alex away from me-what am I thinking?! Alex and John are happy together, and Alex doesn't want me.

I can live with it, I think, and then realize this entire time I've been running my fingers through Alex's hair, and undoing all the knots. And who can fault me if I don't stop right away. Ok, well, I don't stop at all. Besides, he's asleep, and-ok, now he's awake. Even then, I don't stop. What's wrong with me?

He's not telling you to stop. In fact, he seems to... like it? He closes his eyes again and actually pushes his head up into my hand ever so slightly. Oh my god. So, I'm thinking he does like it.

I can't tell if he's just awake, with his eyes closed, or if he's sleeping, but it's been an hour and I'm getting a little hungry.

"Hey darlin', you awake?" I ask gently, my southern accent coming out like it always does in the morning. He groans.

"Yeah," he says, his voice all tired sounding, and he yawns.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask him while pulling my hand carefully out of his hair and getting up.

"Really, really good." he tells me, and yawns again. "Are you gonna make breakfast?"

"If you want. You know, I'm pretty sure there's like, a diner nearby that we could go to, if you'd like that instead." He immediately sits up.

"Ooooh! Yes! Lets go!" I chuckle and watch as he zooms to his room to get dressed, tiredness seemingly forgotten. I trudge into my room also to try to tame my hair and make myself look presentable.

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