Chapter 1

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Alex POV
I put away my notebook after I finish writing my journal entry for the day. Yes, I do daily journal entries, and no it's not a diary. Ugh. Anyway, I guess I should probably start packing, because I leave bright and early tomorrow. Yay. But obviously, I facetime my bestfriend Lafayette for moral support.
"Bonjour, mon ami! How are you holding up?" He immediately yells.
"Ugh, find for the most part, I've accepted that the week to come will not be a good one for me," I groan, while throwing things into my suitcase haphazardly. I really need to be neater, I think, while continuing to not be neat.
"Well you better not harangue me about it the entire time!" He says, yet again, a little too loud. I turn my phone volume down as he begins speaking again. "You know, I think this may be a good thing for you. Who knows, maybe you two will hit it off if you actually get to know eachother?"
"Agh! Not you too! I thought you would be understanding of this horrible situation I'm in! To think I thought of you as a friend..." I exclaim dramatically. Even as we both laugh, I feel that part of my words were true. Was I the only person who didn't like the idea of spending an entire week with my mortal enemy? But part of me wonders if they might be right. Maybe I can get through this.

Thomas POV
I can't believe this shit! It's all Hamilton's fault, with his stupid rant! Don't get me wrong, there's nothing I love more than to see him suffer, but not when I'm also suffering! Now I'm stuck alone with him for a week on this stupid 'fishing trip' thing. I wonder what would happen if I just didn't go... Nah, Washington would be real mad, and then I wouldn't be able to do debate anymore. It really was one of my favorite classes. Well, it was until a certain asshole showed up about a year ago when I was a Junior. He actually started as a Sophmore, but apparently his teachers thought he was 'too smart' or something because they moved him up a grade. Gee, thanks a lot. So we're both Seniors now, yay, Senior year officially ruined. Honestly, I don't know why I find him so annoying, or why he makes me so angry. Maybe because he has the most horrible fashion sense (who the fuck wears that shade of green? Magenta is better), and always acts like he knows best! Not to mention he talks far more than any human being should, ever. I groan and get up from lying on my bed. There's no use dwelling on it now, there's nothing I can do to get out of this, I think while stretching. I should probably go and do something productive.... yeah nope, I'm good. I'll just pack in the morning, I'm really not in the mood at the moment. Fuck.
Wow I really tried to make this at least 500 hundred words. I did it (yayyy), are you proud of me, my non-existent readers?

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