Chapter 8

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Alex POV

I love diners. I mean, seriously, what's not to like? The atmosphere is just so nice. Also, I need coffee, despite the little burst of energy I got when Thomas first mentioned the diner. We're walking out of the house now.

"We can take my car," he offers, and I just nod. When I get in the car I immediately feel at home.

"Ugh, why do you get to have such a nice car, it's not fair," I complain to him, and he just smirks at me, and starts the thing.

Wow, we really are in the middle of no where, I think to myself, looking out the window. I honestly feel... really refreshed right now. Like, since when do I sleep that well, especially basically sitting up on the couch? Well, I was kinda leaning all my weight back into Thomas.

Out of all the mornings that I've woken up to Thomas cuddling me (the fact that I can actually say that is kinda wild), this morning is definitely my favorite. I mean, I would never admit this out loud to anyone, but I loved it when Thomas was pulling his fingers through my hair. Well, maybe I would tell Thomas if that meant he would do it again, but that would be embarrassing.

Even still, I was just in utter bliss for maybe an hour or so, it was a little hard to tell. I need to fall asleep on Thomas after watching American Horror Story and having a bit of a deep conversation more often.

Once we sit down at a booth by a window, a waitress comes over.

"Hello! How can I help you today?" he asks, but it seems more like she's just talking to Thomas. He orders a coke to drink, and I open my mouth to tell her my order, but she's already gone, after saying a quick, "I'll go and get that for you!" to Thomas.

I close my mouth and look at the table, grumpy. I want a coffee, and I want the lady to stop throwing herself at Thomas.

"Geez, she was kinda rude. Make sure you tell her what you want when she gets back," he tells me, and I look up at him.

"Yeah. I mean, why would she just ignore me?" I already know the reason of course, I just wanna see if Thomas will say it.

"Because she fancies me and obviously doesn't give a shit about you, the bitch." he states. Ok so wow, he just said it. "I don't want her, don't worry." he tells me, acting like he's gagging. I giggle GIGGLE, and then relax into my seat again. Too soon, the lady is back with Thomas' drink.

"So, what would you like to eat?" she asks him, giving Thomas a look I do not like one bit.

"Well why don't you take my friend's drink order first?" he says, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh yes, of course!" she turns to me, looking annoyed. "What would you like?" For you to back off! I give her a sweet smile.

"Coffee, black, please." And off she goes.

The next time she comes back, it's just annoying.

"Alright, maybe you didn't get the hint, but I'm not interested, so could you please just take our orders?" Thomas finally says to her, and she looks disappointed, but not surprised. She must do this a lot.

"Yo, what was up with her?" Thomas laughs, and I start laughing too.

"Ladies' man! Why aren't you interested though, I mean, she's pretty?" I ask him, genuinely curious.

"Ha, I don't like those kinda people. Sycophants aren't really my type. Plus, I prefer boys." His cheeks get a little pink.

"Wait, you're gay?" I ask in shock. No way he was gay, Thomas is, like, the straightest person I know!

"Nope. I'm bi, is that a problem?"

"Are you kidding Thomas? How can you even ask that? I'm literally friends with Laf and John. And besides, I'm bi too."

"Oh cool."

When we get back to the cabin, I realize how quickly this place has grown on me. I could stay here forever. Thomas is gonna go fish, and lord knows I have no desire to do that, so I head to my room. I feel the need to do some ranting (in the form of writing of course), so I get out a notebook and start.

Things have really changed since I last wrote in this book. So, you know how I'm on a trip with Thomas? Well, I'm five days in, and I have not, in fact, gone crazy. On the contrary, I never want this to end. Yeah, now you see. So, I guess Thomas kinda helped me out when it started storming, and ever since we've been acting cool with each other. It's a little weird, but now I can see that all the assumptions I had made about him were just that-assumptions. Well, that's what I'm hoping anyway. I don't want things to stay the same as they were. I've also kind of developed very very very small feelings for him MAYBE. I mean, who am I kidding, I have a fucking crush on him, there's no denying that. How can I when every time he calls me darling my body seems to heat up and I get butterflies, and I love it when he calls me Lex too? How can I when I feel like I need to always be around him. When I want him to protect me? I've always defended myself, but I want him to now. I mean, this morning, he was running his fingers through my hair, and it felt so good, I liked it so much-

My face reddens. Ok, maybe that was enough for today! I sit there for a minute, mumbling curses under my breath in French (I always seem to go to French in times of need) as I slam the notebook closed. Then I hear the door open, and I look over my shoulder to see Thomas leaning on the door-frame. Spinning around in my chair, I ask him what's up. He smirks at me.

"Why is your face red?" That just makes my face more red, especially thinking about what I just wrote. Thank god I put my notebook away.

"I uh-ah, it's no-nothing," I stutter out, and bite my cheek.

"If you say so," he says, rolling his eyes. "Do you wanna watch American Horror Story until dinner?"

"Hm, you like that show?" I say, more stating a fact than asking, but he answers anyway as we walk to the living room.

"Yes! It's so interesting!" he goes on and on until we finally start to watch.

I'm eating my pop tarts at first, but once I'm done them, I flop back into his side, hoping he won't mind. He doesn't say anything, so that's a good sign I guess.

Thomas POV

Another episode ends, and I stop t before it plays the next one. Alex is plastered to my side again, and I don't mind a bit. Maybe he's just cuddly with all his friends? He tilts his head to look up at me, confused as to why I stopped it.

"So what were you thinking for dinner?"

"What? It can't be dinner time yet!" he says.

"Lex, it's basically dark out."

"Wow, time flies. Uh, what do you want?" he asks, getting up. I didn't even notice until now, but he's wearing my hoodie.

"Uh, there's not really much here. I can make hot pockets?" His face lights up.

"Yes please!"

As I'm making them, Alex helps out by sitting on the counter and watching me, and that fine by me.

The Fishing Trip [✨Jamilton✨]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon