Chapter 9

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Enjoy this chapter that I wrote entirely while in Google Meets for school. My French teacher almost caught me too, so you better like this! Yay.

Thomas POV

After we eat, we of course go right back to watching Netflix. That is, until Alexander's phone starts ringing.

"Hold on, it's probably Laf or John." he says, fishing it out of his pocket. But the caller ID is surprisingly neither, it's-

"It's Mr. Washington?" I ask, dumbfounded. "Why do you... nope nevermind, of course you have his phone number."

"Should I answer?"

"Yeah why not, he's probably just checking in." He presses the answer button, and then comes Mr. Washington's voice.

"Hey Alexander, just calling to check up on how you and Thomas are doing. I hope you're getting along?" Alex is literally leaning into my side right now, I think we're good.

"Well, I'm great, what about you Thomas?" he asks me, and lean over to get closer to the phone.

"I'm good!" There's silence for a second.

"Hold on, WHAT??" Mr. Washington finally says.

"Didn't expect us to actually be getting along, did you?" Alex says, laughing slightly. "Though it pains me to admit it, I guess your plan was a stroke of genius."

"Didn't expect you to be getting along? I didn't expect you to be in the same room! What are you guys doing right now?"

"Watching American Horror Story." I tell him.

"Well... I think I'll check in when again when you leave... and uh, hope that this lasts..." he says, sounding weird, and promptly hangs up.

"Pfffffft," And then we're laughing our asses off.

"He was like-" he gasps in a breath, "-in shock!"

"Y-yeah." I'm still smiling widely. Every time we stop laughing, we look at each other and start again. At this point there wasn't even anything funny anymore, we were just laughing because the other person was. And so the night went on, and this might've been the most fun I've ever had away from home.

And when Alex falls asleep on me, I'm not surprised. It's practically become routine at this point.

"Night Lex," I whisper into his hair.

Very short, sorry-Alex POV

Mr. Washington sure seems very surprised. I mean, I would be too. I kinda tune out thought after he asks what we're doing and let Thomas answer, because I realize Thomas' chin is resting on my shoulder so Mr. Washington can hear him. I can feel his breath on my ear, and almost shiver. Bro. Uh anyway-

For the rest of the night we have THE TIME OF OUR LIVES, and watch more American Horror Story. At the rate we're going, we'll get to the part I left off at by the time it's time to go. Thinking about that makes me sad, so I don't, and continue to laugh with Thomas.

I won't ever be admitting how good it felt when Thomas whispered "Night Lex," into my hair when he thought I was asleep.

Thomas POV

Again I wake up before Alex, and again I find myself basically petting him. But then maybe twenty minutes later, he starts to smile.

"Good morning," he mumbles happily, and closes his eyes once more.

"Hey." I keep my fingers in his hair. It's basically all untangled now, I'm just sifting my hands through it and pulling up, over and over. If I had any doubts about him liking it before now, they are all dissolved because holy fuck, Alexander is purring. He's like a lil kitten, and oh my god my heart. I can't help but chuckle.

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