I looked up and down the hallway, not sure of which way I should go, so I turned the way that Evan walked out of the room. I walked down the hallway, and I noticed that there were no other rooms. I reached the corner and I peered my head around the corner and I saw Evan talking to Jovan. I approached them and they turned to me.

Evan smiled at me and motioned for me to follow him. I was able to pass by Jovan without his even touching me, and it was the greatest feeling that I’ve had in a week.

We walked out the front door to the abandoned gas station, and he started to lead me down the road. I looked off to the left and I saw the giant building with a mural of corn on it. That was literally all it was.

“So tell me a little bit about you, about who you are and how you got mixed up in all this crap.”

I thought about that question. I feel like I didn’t even know myself anymore. “Well my name is Jessie, and I’m a new member in the WWE. I got mixed up in all this crap because I decided to give Cody Rhodes a chance at being friends, but then he kidnapped me a couple times.”

He chuckled. “A couple times?”

I smiled, almost laughing at the crappy memories about him. “Yeah, see I was kidnapped the first time when I was still back home in the US, John came with some other close friends and got me and my best friend out of there, because he ended up getting kidnapped trying to save me as well.” I took a breath as we continued walking. “The second time, Cody and his little army broke into John’s house, where I was staying because it was the only safe place to go, and they kidnapped me a second time.”

Evan blew out a breath. “That sounds a hell of a lot more stressful than what happened to me.”

“I bet,” I challenged.

“When I was in the WWE, I became friend with Cody. He was actually able to admit to me about these people and about these gangs, but after he said something about it, he thought that I couldn’t be trusted to keep it a secret, so he had these men take me and bring me here. Been here ever since.”

Wow, he’s been here for a WHILE! “You weren’t tortured though, were you?”

He nodded. “Are you kidding me? There’s not a part on my body that wasn’t abused.” He chuckled. “That sounded really wrong, didn’t it?”

I nodded at him. “It did. I’m also sorry to hear that. How long have you been here?”

“Hard to tell, I know it’s been a few years now.”

Well I couldn’t complain anymore. The fact that he’s been here for YEARS, I’ve only been here for a couple weeks. Not here per say, but with those guys. “So there’s no way out…is there?”

There was a long silence from him. Nothing was heard except for the sound of our footsteps.

Finally I stopped walking, and he turned around to look at me. He could see the despair in my eyes.

He shook his head. “If there is a way out, I haven’t found it yet.”

“Evan, if I ever think of anything, would you be willing to try it with me?”

He stared at me. “Are you crazy? Anything that you try will lead you to getting killed.”

I chuckled. “I’m still alive right now aren’t I?”

“Touché,” he said, and we turned around.

We walked back in silence. I was starting to think that I could trust Evan if I really needed too.

***John’s Perspective***

We’ve been flying over a lot of Russia for the past few hours but there’s still no sign of a building with a corn mural on it. I’ve decided that I would land the plane in the middle of a field, I’m not willing to take the chance at an airport.

“John, have you ever landed in a field before?”

I was trying to remain steady. I didn’t know how long this field was going to go, so I had to drive it hard. “Randy, just please don’t bring that up right now.”

Randy shook his head at me. “I knew it!” He was gripping tightly onto the handles of his seat.

“Randy relax, I know how to land a plane.”

After a few minutes, we were safely on the ground. The plane was in good condition, so I was proud. But now I felt stupid. I looked around, there was nothing but fields. “Shit,” I muttered.

“Well John, how about we go talk to that corn stalk over there and see if they can get us a car.” Randy folded his arms and leaned up against the side of the plane.

“Okay, we have enough fuel to last us for quite a while, so why don’t we just get back to flight, then land when we’re closer to a city or some kind of civilization.” I walked around the plane back to the driver’s side. I was just about to climb in when Randy’s words cause my attention.

“John there’s something moving over that way.” I secured the plane keys in my pocket before I shut the door. I walked over to where Randy was standing. He wasn’t kidding, there was something definitely moving towards us, and we only have one place we can go, back in the plane.

“Randy get in the plane!” I screamed as I bolted for the other side of the plane. Randy climbed in, and I climbed in after him. I started up the plane and let the engine get started. Whatever was moving towards us was getting closer and closer, and it was moving FAST! In about another minute it’ll be at the side of the plane. We need to get the hell out of here.

WWE: Ring Around the Love Triangle [-BOOK ONE-]Where stories live. Discover now