Part 26

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***John’s Perspective***

I was just getting the plane to start moving. It was harder to take off from this jagged rubble, but I was going to make it happen. We were gaining speed quickly, but it was starting to get dark, which meant that if I don’t get this plane off the ground soon, I could be running into trees, and that would kill us.

After a couple minutes of gaining speed, I could no longer feel the plane bouncing off the ground; we were in the air.

***My Perspective***

Today was just getting better and better. They let me go out for a walk, and now they’re actually giving me some REAL food. I was actually somewhat happy with how this was turning out. They had even moved me out of that small little room to a bigger room with a real bed.

Jovan has actually been really good to me. He invited me to eat with him and the rest of the guys, including Evan. We were just about finished with our meals when a large man came sprinting in. I didn’t recognize this guy, but followed by him were several other guys running in.

“Jovan there was someone out there!” He was panting like crazy just trying to catch his breath. “There was a guy in a plane!” Again he was taking deep breaths. “Jovan I think whoever’s in the plane is looking for us.” He sat down in a nearby chair, resting his head in his hands.

Jovan rose from where he sat. “Did anyone see anything on the plane?”

One of the men from the crowd that just came running in, moved in front of everyone else. “There was a large logo on the side of the plane, and we know exactly where it came from.”

Jovan stared at him. “Well are you boneheads going to tell me? Or are we trying to make this a guessing game?”

“Sir,” said the panting man, “it was a plane from the WWE.”

My jaw dropped. I couldn’t even describe what was going through my head. Jovan’s reaction matched mine, and then his stare traced to me. “You told them to come didn’t you?”

I instantly started shaking my head. “No, I’m being honest right now; I didn’t know anything about that plane coming here! I’m being serious!” There were hints of tears hiding in my eyes.

“LIAR!” He screamed, and his voice echoed throughout this entire building. With the snap of his finger, the other men swarmed me and they brought me back to the smaller colder room.

All the men were surrounding me. They were ripping off the new clothes that I was wearing. The sweater was being torn right off of my body, and the jeans were being clawed at, scratching my legs in the process. There was nothing that I could do about, so I laid there in that crowd and I took it all. There was a lot of pain being implicated throughout me entire body at that moment.

It must’ve been John coming for me. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I really wish that he would’ve waited a little bit longer to do something like this. I mean, I was JUST starting to establish a relationship with the guy in charge of me, and now I’m back to being some lying little bitch.

What I thought was going to be an amazing day, turned out just like all the others: absolute shit.

***John’s Perspective***

We were chased for a good ten minutes before we finally lost whatever was following us.

“Randy, did you happen to catch what those things were?”

“They looked like people!” Randy was struggling to catch his breath. We were in such a hurry to get out of there, we honestly didn’t have time to breathe.

“I did too, I’m just glad we’re out of there.”

It was starting to get dark outside and we were losing the light more quickly that we thought we were. I decided it would be a good idea to at least find an airport to land the plane safely.

I was able to track down an airport just a few miles away who were willing to let me land the plane.

***My Perspective***

I was down to a pair of ripped panties and a ripped blood-stained t-shirt that exposed what was left of my tattered bra. I was freezing inside my room. My body was starting to go numb.

I’ve been asleep for, I don’t even know how long. It’s been at least a few hours that I was finally able to sleep. I still had remnants of tears on my face when I woke up, and I could feel my body shaking.

If they weren’t going to kill me, then the hypothermia was. I didn’t know what which would be better for me.

I laid here desperately trying to keep my body heat inside my boundaries. I laid here thinking to myself how different things would be if I didn’t give in to my ignorance. This entire time, I’ve been selfish and I’ve only been thinking about myself. I know that I should’ve listened to John from the beginning, the only problem now, is that I’m stuck here in the present time, trying to dwell on something I couldn’t change. Although, what else was there for me to think about; being stuck here in this room.

Great; I could hear loud footsteps coming towards the room. I crawled over to the corner of the small room. The large iron door opened. It was only Evan.

“Hey,” he said calmly.

I couldn’t speak. My lips were quivering in the sheer temperature of the room. I could still feel the remains of tears against my cheek.

“I’m really sorry about what happened earlier.” He paused for a moment and then came to sit by me. “You know that I believe you right?”

I just closed my eyes. I could feel tears pooling up under my lids and I could feel them starting to slip out.

He put his arm around me, and I could feel the warmth of his jacket. “Thank you,” I whispered.”

“You know I’m the only one whose gonna be here for you Jess, and I want you to know that you can trust me.” His voice got lower and lower, and I could hear the footsteps coming towards the door. He bolted up so he was standing over me. He gave me a wink and then turned around. I saw him disappear down the hallway, as two new people entered the room. One of the men was Jovan; the other man I did not recognize.

“Listen girl, I will be leaving, so I will not be supervising you tonight.” His accent was familiar, and his voice was somewhat soothing. I stared at him intently. “The reason I am telling this to you, is because if I need to be called back here, you are going to be in a world of pure torture. Do you understand me?”

Again I couldn’t speak. I was lost in the shivering of my legs.

Just then my face heated when a giant hand came drudging across my face. My hair whipped across my face.

“Do you…understand me?” His hand was under my chin holding it up; staring me in the face.

I nodded, not saying anything in return.

WWE: Ring Around the Love Triangle [-BOOK ONE-]Where stories live. Discover now