Part 27

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***John’s Perspective***

This rental car was a piece of crap. It accelerated very slowly, and the brakes sucked! We’ve been driving up and down some of the most deserted roads in this rural area. We decided to head back in the direction where we saw those people following us last night.

Randy spent the night in the plane last night, as the airport security actually allowed it. I never slept, so it was unclear whether or not me driving this morning was a good idea. I was having issues keeping my eyes open now, but one of us needs to be on the lookout at all times.

There were no other cars on the freeway we were on. There were only two cars that had passed us throughout the entire night. One car was filled with business people, and it looked like they were going over an entire business presentation…in the car! The second car was somewhat shady looking, but the guys weren’t doing anything abnormal.

I peeked over at Randy. He was sound asleep in the passenger seat. I poked him in the arm, and he woke up.

It took him a couple minutes before we was actually awake, so he shifted his position in the seat so he could look around. “Everything okay?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, everything is still fine. I was just wondering if you’d wanna drive for a bit. I’m getting tired.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Just pull over somewhere and I’ll take over.”

And I did. I pulled over on the side of the road. When we finally came to a stop, I just sat there for a minute. I could feel Randy’s eyes burning holes in the side of my head. I looked over at him. “This car absolutely sucks.”

He laughed at me and then we both got out of the car. Randy continued down the road and I fell asleep.

***My Perspective***

I swear, if I continued to pace in this room, I would start creating a rut in the cement floor. Unfortunately this was all I could do in such a small area. There was a slight knock on the door and I froze where I was. The door opened and a sigh of relief overwhelmed me. It was just Evan.

I felt a smile come over my face when I saw him.

“Hey Jess, how are you feeling today?”

I looked down at my feet. “I’m alright. I could be better.”

He laughed. “I know the feeling. But hey, I have something that could cheer you up.”

I looked up at him.

“Jovan put me in charge today. I figured maybe we could go out for a walk!” I could see the excitement in his face, and it made me smile. Evan was a little cutie, and he’s someone HERE that I feel like I could trust.

“I would love to go out for a walk,” I paused, and I looked down at what I was wearing. It was somewhat warmer today, and I had completely forgotten that I had been stripped down to almost nothing. “Is there any way that I’d be able to get some clothes first?” I smiled at him.

He chuckled again. “I’ll go get you something, just wait here.”

I felt somewhat dumbfounded by that statement. Where the hell was I going to go?

He took off down the hallway, with the gate closing behind him. I continued pacing to pass the time. A few minutes later Evan walked back into the small room with another sweater, like the one I wore yesterday, and another pair of jeans. I slipped into them with ease and I followed Evan down the hallway.

We walked outside into the cool morning air. I felt the wind on my face, and it felt amazing! I don’t think I’ve felt the outside in weeks. We started walking down the road, the same way that we walked yesterday.

“I still feel bad about you being caught up in all this stuff, so I wanted to talk to you about something.”

I casually walked along with him. “Talk about what?”

He sighed. “Well, I miss my wife…a lot. She knows that I’m still alive. She knows what’s been going on with me, but she doesn’t know if I’ll ever come home.”

“I didn’t know you were married!” I blurted.

He chuckled. “Well, it’s not something I talk about often here. It just makes me sad thinking about her and our daughter.”

I kept my mouth shut that time. “I’m so sorry,” I said.

“It’s alright Jess. What I wanted to talk to you about, was getting the hell out of here.”

I fell silent, and my walking slowed. “Well Evan, you of all people know that I want to get out of here, but you of all people ALSO know how hard that is.

“Well, normally it’s pretty difficult, but today feels different.”

I looked at him. “Let me guess,” I smiled, “this has something to do with you being in charge me ‘me’ today, doesn’t it?”

He nodded. “Alright, so this is what I’m thinking of….”

We stopped along the side of the road, and I listened as he spilled out his plan. What he had in mind was very possibly, but it would be very difficult to rely on time.

***John’s Perspective***

I opened my eyes and the sun was blinding me. I had to have been asleep for at least a couple hours. My head was aching and my eyes were hurting. I sat up in the passenger seat that I managed to slump down in to.

I looked over at Randy who was calmly cruising through the vast countryside. I stared out the window, looking at all the cornfields passing by. “Randy how are we doing on gas?”

My voice must’ve startled him cause he looked over at me rapidly. “I didn’t know you were awake John!” He looked down at the dash, and then looked back at the road. “We’re starting to get low on fuel, I’m not sure if we’re even gonna find another gas station along this road.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure,” I said. I pointed ahead to the left side of the road where a gas station stood. It didn’t look like it had been used in many years, but it would still be a chance we should take.

Randy pulled in and pulled up next to the gas pump. I got out and instantly looked around for anyone. I surprisingly saw a couple of people standing a ways down the road. They were far enough to where I couldn’t see their faces or any details on their bodies. I went up to the station and I knocked on the door.

I slowly pushed on it to see if it was open, and it was. I walked in the door and I looked around. The place was real dark, and it smelled old. “Hello, is anyone in here?” I took a few steps, and the floor was creaking like crazy. I heard footsteps coming from a dark room in the back of the store. I took a few steps backwards so I was closer to the door. I saw three large figured men walk out from the dark room behind the counter.

Just then, Randy came rushing in. “John, you need to come outside and see this now!” He looked behind me and saw the three men standing behind the counter.

“Who are you?” Asked the man standing in the middle.

“We were just looking to pay for some gas,” Randy responded. I nodded, agreeing with him.

We could hear footsteps coming from outside. We all turned to see who was out there, and to my surprise, it was Jessica. I gasped and then I bolted out the door. I almost knocked over whoever she was with, and I picked her up in the air!

***My Perspective***

Evan and I were walking back towards the building when we noticed a car in the lot next to the gas pump. “Evan that car wasn’t there when we left was it?”

He shook his head no. We walked with caution up to the building, and just inside the door we saw two tall men. “Who the hell are they?” I asked him.

“I have no idea!” We stopped just as the two men turned around to look at us. They looked familiar…VERY familiar! The man who was standing behind the one in front bolted out the door at us, WHAT DO I DO? I looked at Evan who was standing in shock!

In that moment, I was lifted into the air and squeezed tightly. When I was finally set down, I was staring into the eyes of someone I had been wanting to see more than anyone else! It was John!

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