Part 1

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Dream was currently leaning over a small note book, the top of the book was labeled, Dreams Reasons, his friends had recently found out about his... Self harm... and they decided to help. Ink had given him a small book and told him to write his reasons down, every reason he had for living, and to put it in the book. While Blue had confiscated every sharp object from his room, and had given him a rubber band, "If you ever feel like hurting yourself, just snap the band, it should feel the same... And there's less chance of you b-bleeding out..."

  He had made his friends so worried, and he felt so guilty for bringing them into this. But at least he knew they cared about him, not his aura. You see, after he had eaten the apple (Which of course his brother didn't know about) Shattered taught Dream how to 'shut off' his aura. So he shut it off, wondering what their reaction would be...

But they didn't notice, just like Cross didn't notice, even without his aura they still loved him.

The question was, Why?

Why would they care about him?

Someone who didn't see his brothers suffering?

Someone who couldn't save all those people?

Someone who let himself be-

No, there was no way in hell he was going to let himself think about that, just the thought of it made him tear up, he suddenly felt sick to his non existent stomach. He held his stomach as he chocked back sobs, "N-no... I-I'm not t-the *Sob* I-I'm n-not a-as weak *Sob* a-as I u-used to-to be.." he immediately put his positive aura back up, as a way to hide this strong negative emotions. "I-I'm st-stronger than I w-was before..." he whispered. He then glanced down at the book, "Nothing..." he couldn't think of anything worth living for.

He sighed before placing the book in one of his drawers, he was still crying, and he needed sleep. 'You're pathetic' a cruel voice whispered "I know." he said aloud, the voice went silent for a bit before; 'Dream, we talked about this, I don't mean what I say, I only say it to get into your head!' Shattered stated. 'I know i'm an asshole, but you don't have to take me seriously!' he said with a voice cross between concern and sass. Dream smiled, as much as he hated the constant reminder of his brothers pain, he loved that he wasn't alone. Not entirely anyway.

'Go to bed dumbass, you need it.' he heard shattered urge, he knew that Shattered hatted his brother, but he couldn't help but notice the strange similarity's between the two. 'I heard that!' Shattered shouted, Dream laughed, 'No! No laughing! I am nothing like him!' Dream giggled a little as he laid down on his bed, before he heard all the reasons Shattered had about why he wasn't 'like Nightmare' the main reason being, He doesn't hate Dream, Not like Nightmare does.

Dream closed his eyes with one thought on his mind... Nightmare will always hate me...

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