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Summary: Highschool AU. Harry is running on the track and has an asthma attack, Louis helps him.


Harry hated P.E with a burning passion.

The coach was always making them run laps around the track, and kids were always making fun of Harry for having to stop early due to his breathing condition. Though, Louis made it bearable.

The same group of jocks always picked on him, saying Harry was overreacting and that he was just being lazy. But least the coach was understanding and Harry would just have to do written work to make up for the class. Then there was Louis, who always encouraged him to do his best and always made sure Harry was being careful.

So here they were again, students gathered in a group while they listened to Coach for instructions. There was a huddle in the back, snickering behind Harry. He did his best to ignore them.

"I want to see each of you run seven laps," Coach spoke, earning a series of loud groans bit he just smiled mockingly. "Don't even think about trying to skip or cut through the field either. I am marking a tally every time you run by me, and you will get an F for the semester if I see any cheating. Line up."

Harry walked by Louis with the rest of his class to the start of the track, and everyone started stretching and warming up before the whistle sounded, which signaled them to start running.

Coach walked over to Harry , placing a hand on his shoulder, speaking kindly, "Feel free to stop at any time, alright, kid?"

Harry nodded and smiled slightly, turning back towards Louis, while Coach walked back to his clipboard, picking it up along with his timer and whistle. They still had a couple more moments to warm up though, because Coach was very serious about the students not injuring themselves.

Harry went to start stretching his legs, but heard people whispering and snickering behind him. He knew they were laughing at him, but before he could turn around, Louis grabbed his shoulders.

"Just ignore them, okay, Haz? They're just dicks who have nothing better to do with there lives." Louis stated, but not without sending a glare to the group. Harry sighed and nodded, it probably wasn't the best idea to stir up any trouble.

Harry started to stretch out his calves bending forward in a high lunge and digging his heel into the ground. He repeated multiple stretches, and figured it was enough after awhile.

"Haz, don't forget your inhaler before we start, love." Louis spoke up, nodding towards Harry's bag by the fence.

Harry smiled and blushed at the nicknames. "Thanks Lou."

Then he walked over to his bag, unzipping it and starting to look through the mess of dirty gym clothes and hygienic materials. When he didn't find it the first time, Harry hurriedly double and triple checked his bag, started to panic a little bit. He always had his inhaler on him, and it was just his luck that he didn't have it when he needed it the most. Then, Harry remembered that he had accidentally put it in his locker when he had used it earlier. He had been too distracted by his blonde friends rambling, so he misplaced it.

Harry took a deep breath, cursing himself, and then walked back over to his blue eyed boyfriend, who was finished stretching as well, waiting for the whistle.

When Louis noticed Harry, he met him in halfway and wrapped an arm around Harry's waist, shaking him slightly. "All good?" Louis asked.

Harry knew that if he told Louis he didn't have his inhaler on him, Louis would make a scene. He would ask Coach to wait while he ran to get it for Harry, because he was just that nice, while Harry would be left alone with the mean Jocks who made fun of him.

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