Through the Dark

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Summary: Harry suffers from stomach cancer and Louis is right there with him.

I want to make it clear that I am no expert and there may be some incorrect subjects relating to stomach cancer in this oneshot. I've done my research and I really tried my best to make it as realistic as possible.

This is a request from bittersweetlou Thank you for the idea.


When a person experiences pain, they can only wonder how much longer it will last.

The constant warmth of a burning, crushing, intense tidal wave.

And the one question that ranks their mind is if it will ever stop before their body eventually gives out.

But at some point,

They just have to hope it will.


Harry released a deep breath as he was pushed on a wheelchair back to his room in the cancer treatment center.

There's been a severe change in his CT scan, so they'd been doing tests all day.

He didn't know if it was good or bad, he hadn't gotten a say in from his oncologist, but he could only assume it was the latter.

The diagnosis of stage two stomach cancer didn't really bring much hope.

He had good days an bad days.

Today was a bad day.

Harry closed his eyes briefly, a hand resting naturally on his stomach as he was rolled over the doorframe.

"Hey, sunshine. How did it go?" The sweet voice of his lover spoke, dropping his book and standing from his chair to help. "Thanks, love, I got it from here." He nodded to the volunteer, his lips quirking up in a polite manner.

"Of course," The girl nodded with a gentle smile. She'd helped Harry all the time so she was familiar with the couple. "The nurse will be here soon to hook him back up."

"Thank you." Louis smiled back at the young girl before she walked out. The two didn't say anything as Louis assisted Harry out of his chair to rest comfortably on his bed.

Louis made everything worth it.

He stood by Harry's side through everything. Through the darkest of days when Harry couldn't even get out of bed, he read him poems and shared memories of their early dates together. Days when the chemotherapy treatment made him unbearably moody, Louis still tried to make him laugh. Days when he was in the worst of pain, Louis held his hand through all of it and told him everything was going to be okay and that he was right there next to him.

"There we go, sunshine. Are you comfortable?" Louis asked, patting Harry's thigh from where he was kneeling by the bed.

"As comfortable as I can be." Harry rasped. He rested his covered head back on his pillow, grimacing as he felt a dull ache in his abdomen. "Thank you."

"Always." Louis promised, noticing the twitch and taking Harry's hand in his own. "Lunch is soon, baby.bHow did the testing go?" He questioned.

Harrys face dropped at the thought of lunch but turned his head to face his lover and spoke softly, voice weak. "Fine. Just some blood tests, and an MRI. They still want to test some more and the doctor mentioned something about a surgery."

That part had been scary.

"Alright." Louis nodded in acknowledgement before reluctantly asking, "Any pain?"

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