Calm Me Down

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Summary: Harry is stressed and Louis helps him calm down.


Harry woke up at an ungodly hour with a slight headache, and could not go back to sleep.

The rest of the boys were still passed out in their bunks after going to sleep after having some drinks. Harry, not feeling up to it, just went straight to bed. He was tired.

Everyday was the same. Wake up, have a meeting with management, go to the studio for a couple of hours, then they all split up for multiple interviews, and sometimes had a session with their personal trainers right after.

Harry huffed and carefully crawled out from Louis' arms after his third attempt to get some rest. He made his way to the small kitchen they had on the bus and got himself a small glass of water and a pain killer for his headache. He made his way to the couch, swallowed the pill, and leaned his head back on the couch, letting his thoughts consume him.

Harry was not okay.

He found it hard to breathe at times. His mind was always racing with things he shouldn't be worrying too much about. He felt like he would disappoint everyone with one slip up. Harry felt that he could be working harder. Give more effort. But he didn't have much more to give. He was falling apart. There was this heavy weight on his chest that he couldn't push off and it was suffocating him.

He didn't smile much anymore. Only for the fans, or for Louis. Louis always made him smile no matter what mood he was in. He just had that effect on Harry, just as Harry did to him.

But even the boys were becoming concerned. Liam had tried to get him to talk, but he was shrugged off. Niall had tried to make some jokes, but Harry didn't laugh. Zayn offered him a drink to let lose a bit, but Harry just couldn't do that even for one second. He was going to screw up, and he knew it. The fans were counting on him, and management was breathing down his neck.

He didn't know what to do. Everything was crumbling down, he couldn't handle the longs days, and sleepless nights.

Louis had noticed the dark bags under Harry's eyes, the slouch in his shoulders, and the dragging of his feet. He knew his baby was so tired, and he tried to help him as much as he could. Covering for Harry so he could take a nap, or sneaking out to get him some food when he knew Harry hadn't eaten. Harry appreciates it so much, but with all of them being so busy, he never really got to have private time with Louis.

He just needed Louis to hold him, and tell him everything's as going to be okay. Harry needed to be reassured, and Louis was the only person who could do that.

Harry was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something wet on his face. His eyes felt sensitive and realized that he'd been crying. He shoved his hands over his face and cried, all of his emotions coming to show. He tried to keep his sobs quiet, but it apparently wasn't enough.

Louis had woken up to the sound of whimpering. Not seeing Harry in bed, he climbed out of bed to find where the sound was coming from. Walking into their small living room, he saw Harry with his head back against the couch and tears streaming down his face. His heart broke. He knew Harry wasn't doing well, and he did whatever he could, but he could only do so much with management watching their every move. But when Harry started sobbing into his hands, Louis' heart ached painfully and he lunged toward and pulled Harry in his arms. Harry just sobbed harder and gripped Louis shirt like his life depended on it. Because it did. Out of everything that was pulling Harry down right now, Louis was there to make sure Harry never fell too deep.

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