Complete and Utter Heartbreak

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Summary: He has his husband, he has his daughter. He lost his husband, then got him back. Then they both lost their daughter, and then they lost each other.

Warning: Mention of death.

This oneshot is very dark, so read with caution. Very angsty as well, I'm warning you.


Seeing that haunting envelope sit upon the counter sent a wave of uneasiness through his body.

He knew it was coming, but he wasn't prepared for the feelings that came rushing to the surface.

Those feelings of despair and loneliness that settled on his shoulders as reality hit him hard.

Divorce papers.

He and his husband of four years had decided to make this decision three weeks ago after a long, stressful talk.

They were growing up, and because of that, they grew apart as adulthood weaseled itself into their lives. Forcing them to squeeze out that last bit of childlessness out of themselves. And though that fact hurt more than anything, they needed to do this.

It wasn't just them anymore, and they wouldn't allow their child to think her parents didn't love each other anymore because things had been tense as they were to scared to face the inevitable.

They did love each other, always would, and he never doubted that. Things were just so different now.

So with little reluctance, he tore open the top, grabbing a pen and sitting himself down. Unconscious tears starting to roll down his face as he continued to force his hand to keep moving.


"Daddy? What are you doing?" The sweetest voice spoke.

The gracious voice of his daughter.

Those horrid papers still sat in front of him. He wasn't able to finish them, considering he still needed to discuss more things with Harry.

He knew it was time. They couldn't keep this from her for too long, it wasn't fair to her. And although, he'd prefer to do this with Harry, the man wasn't here at the moment.

Annie was a brilliant little girl, and Louis sensed that she knew something wasn't right.

He took her small, fragile hand into his, leading them into the living room and sitting them both onto the soft cushions of the couch.

Louis took a deep breath before he started, trying to calm his nerves because he knew this wasn't going to be easy for either of them.

"You know Papa and I love you very much," Louis began. Annie nodded her little head, her innocent eyes staring at him curiously. "And no matter what happens between Papa and I, we will always take care of you.."

He was already on the edge of breaking down. But his maternal instincts were forcing him to stay strong, because in a few moments his child would need him to be.

"I think you've noticed how Papa hasn't been... coming home.." Louis thought out slowly, watching as Annie nodded once more. She was growing confused, Louis could tell, and he couldn't hop around the situation forever. It would just hurt more. "I... me and Harry.."

"You're Papa and I are separating..."

The room stayed quiet, and Louis watched cautiously and with much sadness as Annie's face scrunched together and for once, he couldn't tell what his child was feeling. That was, until her wide, deep green eyes filled with tears and her lips formed a frown.

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