Pretty Please

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Summary: Little Harry asked for little pigtails on top of his head.

Found something short and cute I could write. Yay. I saw a drawing of some sort on Pinterest that inspired this. I tweaked it a bit, but not completely my idea.


"Please, please, please?!"

"Harry, love, I have to work. Try Niall."


"Sorry, Hazza. Zayn, maybe?"

"Hmm.. okay..."


"But daddy won't be home... until... like... forever!"

"Apologies, buddy. You'll have to wait."


"Hmph..." Harry's voice huffed quietly. He picked up his pink crayon and started coloring the lion.

He just wanted his curly's done like a pretty waterfall! But daddy was at work and he everyone else was busy. He'd already gotten in trouble a lot today... and daddy wouldn't be happy with that.. so Liam told him to sit and color while the man worked.

His tongue stuck out slightly as he tried to stay inside the lines. Daddy was going to love it! Maybe he would even put in on the fridge when they got home!


"Harry, love, Daddy will be back soon," Liam laughed. The little was laying on his tummy, brown curls tousled over his face while he colored a rainbow flamingo now. He'd been asking Liam the same question over and over, and honestly, the boy was too adorable to get angry with at this point. His phone dinged. "Oh, hey, look at that! Daddy will be up in a second."

Harry squealed, eyes filling with excitement. "Yay! Yay! Yay!" He completely forgot about his crayons and drawing, standing up from the floor and jumping up and down.

Liam laughed at the excited boy, also standing up from his chair at the desk. "Now, let's clean these up, yes? We don't want Daddy to see that you left a mess."


"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Harry shrieked, jumping onto the man as soon as he walked through the hotel door.

"Oomph!" Louis chuckled, catching the boy in time and setting his case down on the floor. "Hello to you too,"

"I colored a hippo! And a famingo! There were so many colors!" Harry giggled, eyes wide.

"Flamingo, baby, with an L." Louis spoke, laughing lightly while setting the boy down on his feet. He wrapped an arm around his boys waist and he turned to Liam. "How was he?"

"Good. Good. Hung out with Niall and Zayn for a bit in their rooms. Cleaned up his crayons, stayed quiet." Liam tilted his head, smiling at the boy by Louis's side. "Well, for the most part. He kept wanting his hair done? In a-"


Louis smiled, but pinched Harry's waist. "Don't interrupt others when they are speaking, love."

Harry giggled, but kept to himself. The boy was bouncing slightly on his toes, obviously excited and Louis watched the boy with a fond smile. "Alright, well, we'll get back to our room then. Thanks again, Liam."


Louis nudged the adorable laughing boy out the door, picking up his case on the way out.


"Hold still, you silly boy!" Louis laughed, twisting his fingers around the rubber band, trying to tie it together.

Harry just giggled even more, bouncing even with his cross cross position on the floor. He was just so excited! He may have gotten into Liam's candy drawer...

"And... there!" Even with the giggling, squirming boy, Louis finally managed to finish the final loop in the boys hair. "All done!"

Harry let out a laugh of pure happiness. Crawling to his feet, he placed a big, wet kiss on Louis's cheek before jumping up and spinning around, squealing. He bobbed his head around, feeling as the fall on top of his head moved around.

Louis watched with a stupid, lovesick smile plastered on his face as the boy jumped, squealing thank you over and over again.

"Or course, love." Louis murmured, knowing Harry probably couldn't hear him over his squeals.

God, he loved his boy.


Just something short and sweet because I really wanted to post.

So, bad news. The draft that I accidentally deleted, and stupidly didn't back up happened to be my TVD crossover. So I'm super pissed about that, but I am planning to rewrite it.

So please, Ideas?

And I was planning to make it a short story that I could put in here, but I was thinking of making it a book..

Know anyone who could make me a cover?

Thanks, Larry Lovers. Until next time..

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