I'll Take Care Of You

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Summary: Harry is sick and Louis takes care of him.

dom/sub dynamics


Harry had caught a bad cold.

His head pounded, his nose was stuffy, and he ached all over his body. Everything felt stiff and any move he made hurt. He just wanted his Dom.

He'd been falling asleep for any spare minute he could get with their crazy schedule, but it wasn't enough. And his body wasn't letting him forget it.

Even now, being on stage while they ran sound checks, he could barely open his eyes because of the bright lights, and he didn't move from his sitting position on the lift. Every few moments he would release a small sniffle or cough, not even needing a mirror to know how pink his nose was from all the times he needed to blow his nose today.

Harry sat with his knees to his chest and the microphone in his hand, on the brink of tears due to all the aching he was feeling. Any sound around him was muffled. He only noticed someone walking up to him when a warm hand placed itself on the back of his neck and he immediately felt himself relax a bit.

"Harry, love?"

He let the tears stream down his cheeks, a sob escaping as he was brought into the arms of his Dom.

"Oh, love," Louis's voice soothed, his hand petting through Harry's curls. "It's alright, I'm here."

"I wan' to go home." He cried softly into his Dom's chest, head thrumming uncontrollably.

"I know, love. Can you stand up for me?"

Harry let out a whimper but tried his best to stand up on shaky legs, Louis taking the microphone from his hands.

"There's a good boy." Louis praised. "Up we go, come on."

Harry was lifted up, legs going to wrap around his Dom's waist where he buried his face into Louis's neck.

"Try to relax a bit, hm?" Louis rubbed his back, moving them off the stage and towards their dressing room. He sat down on the leather couch and placed a tissue over Harry's nose. "Blow."

Harry scrunched his nose and shook his head. "It's gross."

"It's okay. I just want to help my sub, yeah? Let me?"

Reluctantly, Harry blew into the tissue, watching as Louis didn't bat an eye tossing it into the bin.


"Yes, Lou. Thank you." He breathed, cheeks a bit red.

"I need to sign a few things and then we can head out, alright?" Louis said with a pitying look, brushing the curls back from Harry's forehead.

The Sub let about a whine, his face crumbling. "I don't feel good, Lou. I just wanna go home." He cried softly, the tears rising again, along with more head pounding.

Louis didn't have the heart to tell Harry he shouldn't whine, not when he wasn't feeling well. So he laid his upset Sub down, pulling a blanket over him and pressing a long kiss over his forehead. Somehow hoping to take away his discomfort. "I know, my love. I need you to wait a few minutes. I promise I'll be as quick as I can and then we'll go straight home."

Wanting to whine and say no, Harry trusted his Dom. So he nodded slowly with a pout.

Louis left with much hesitance, knowing that the sooner he finished with management, the sooner he could take Harry home and give him the proper care and rest he needed.

If it were up to him, Harry wouldn't have even left bed this morning. But management had told him they had to. Just to sit through sound checks and studio writings—the usual. To say he was pissed was an understatement. Seeing his Sub absolutely miserable with sickness... it broke his heart when he told Harry they had to go in.

Finishing up the paperwork with management and the boys, Louis made his way back to the dressing room where he found Harry asleep. With a fond smile, he carefully nudged the Sub into his arms and walked to the back door where Paul waited for them in a van.

"Is he alright?" Paul asked, concerned, sliding the back door open for them.

"Yeah, he's not feeling too hot today. Just want to get him home."

Nodding, Paul shut the car door and then they were on their way. It was about five minutes before they were pulling in when Harry stirred.

"Mm, head 'urts." He mumbled, arms crawling around Louis's neck.

Louis shushed Harry, stroking his back comfortingly as he whispered to the boy that they was almost there. When they pulled in, Louis sent a quick thanks to Paul and with little struggle, carried Harry upstairs and placed him into their bed. He pulled his pants and shirt off, sliding some sweats on him instead, doing the same for himself. He kept the blanket off of Harry no matter how much the boy whined to have it on.

"Shh, I know, love, it's alright. I'll take care of you." Louis pressed his lips to Harry's forehead. The boy was squirming, letting out whines of discomfort. Louis made his way to the bathroom, wetting a cool rag and grabbing some medication to better Harry's pain. Hoping the boy could be eased into a peaceful sleep.

Going back to Harry, he placed the rag on the nightstand while also grabbing a water bottle form the small fridge right by it. He helped the boy into a lounging position. "I need you to take these for me, Haz. I know, I know. They'll make you feel better so you can get some good rest. There we go, there's my good boy." Louis praised.

As the boy laid back down, Louis gently brushed back the unruly curls and placed the cool rag onto the Subs forehead, hearing the sigh of relief. He climbed into bed and took his Sub into his arms, careful not to rattle the boy too much.

"Thank you, Lou." The boy mumbled.



Not much to say, haha. I hope you enjoyed.


Until next time, larry lovers!

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