Part 25-- Coward

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there are some spoilers for the office towards the end of this chapter, just a warning


While I observe Tessa and Isen sauntering into the cafeteria to grab pieces of chocolate cake with Arlo (reluctantly), Blyke, and Remi, Tessa notices me. When she uses her ability to knock everybody in the cafeteria out, she spares me. The royals and Isen run over to the cake and grab slices for themselves, but Tessa walks calmly behind the cluster.

Go ahead and grab some after us, the cluster thinks you're not here, Tessa's voice says in my head.

What do you want?, I think.

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I know you want. Enjoy some damn good chocolate cake, Tessa flicks her gaze over to me and winks as she grabs a piece of cake. She and her cluster leave the cafeteria while I head over to the counter and grab myself a piece before Tessa lets the others wake up.


Today is one of those Tuesdays where you're not really awake and you're just kind of existing and your brain isn't processing anything properly so you just kind of...are there.

Being friends with people who don't have those days is very inconvenient.

Remi and Isen are having a very heated argument about if Bucky or Cap would win in a fight or something and while normally I would be all over this, I am too exhausted to care at all. It's easier to listen to Green Day's new album with Blyke. He really likes it, I'm not so sure. It'll probably take me a while to warm up to Revolution Radio, though I adore the title track.

I finish the day and endure through the trip to Woaba Boba with my friend cluster when finally the moment comes in which I approach my apartment.

"Tessa!", John calls.

Every swear I know runs through my head.

John waves at me and Seraphina next to him nods at me.

"Hey, lads," I force out and disappear into my comfortably dark apartment. Is John going to therapy? Why's he being so friendly? Is he dating the Ace?

I don't care.

The next day


Tessa's been looking at John a lot more today. I wonder when she'll start having an affair with him. That would make a good sitcom. I laugh the thought off then saunter into English class. 

When I sit down next to Tessa, she's much too relaxed as she doodles Captain America or something in the Moleskine notebook she always draws in.

"Hello, Katherine," I utilize the fake name Tessa still uses even though I'm very sure 90% of the school knows "Katherine's" name is Tessa. 

"Arlo," Tessa greets in a hushed voice.

"I've got an assignment for you," I smirk and subtly slide a neatly folded piece of paper over to Tessa.

Tessa unfolds it in her lap and as she reads it she tenses and her eyes widen a bit before returning to their normal emptiness.

"Wh-uh...why?", Tessa raises an eyebrow as the class starts.

"We'll talk during your free period," I declare. This isn't worth disrupting class.

Tessa glares at me before settling her focus on the teacher.


The class ends and I rush out of the class room to have 4 minutes to myself while I walk to my locker. 

Why would Arlo want me to look after John? 

*Swear*-ing boys.

I close my locker and-

"Hey, Kat."

"*Swear*," I yell much louder than I intended and people briefly give me confused yet amused looks before returning to their lives.

"I don't think there's a need to raise your voice," Arlo scolds. "Let's walk and talk."

"Right," I nod and follow Arlo down the hall.

"I know you're wondering why I'm giving you the mission of watching over John," Arlo begins like he's some kind of badass.

"Okay, chill out, Nick Fury," I roll my eyes. "Tell me what's up."

"I'm not fond of John and Seraphina's friendship, not only because he ruined her but also because I know how powerful both of these people are and how terrifying such a unity is," Arlo explains.

"I agree with the second part," I nod. 

"I think Seraphina is the only person keeping John together, and it's for the safety of the school for everyone to tread lightly around John."

It never, until this moment, occurred to me that Arlo genuinely cares about the safety and the wellbeing of the student body. He's really trying and John anarchist.

"So then why not email a PSA or something to every student but John and the Ace?", I suggest.

"I have a suspicion many students would intentionally piss John off to see his ability in full force."

"Fair point."

"I think you would be a good candidate to look after John considering he's more likely to be more relaxed around you and tell you things," Arlo informs. "Not to mention you can use your ability with quite a bit of stealth. I want you to get in his head, just a few times and report back to me if there are any concerns."

"I'm not going to do that," I growl. 

"Why? You don't want to betray your 'friend'?", Arlo raises an eyebrow but doesn't look at me. "I thought you were less of a coward than your boyfriend."

"And I thought you were less manipulative."

"If it helps, see it as a way to shield Wellston from John."

We walk out into the empty courtyard that I believe the high-tiers took over long ago.

"John doesn't need to be made even more of an outcast. He needs to be accepted and to connect with the people around hi-", I scold, but Arlo interrupts me.

"No he doesn't! He's a danger to Wellston and a danger to the hierarchy. He's a pathetic, rebellious, child."

"Is John why you want me to be Queen?", it clicks in my head.

"Yes! You're the only one who can keep him under control."

"If you want me to get closer to John for research purposes, it's better for me to not be a Royal," I counter.

"Then you'll secretly hold the title of Queen," Arlo proposes. 

"Like in The Office when Dwight makes Pam his 'Secret Assistant to the Regional Manager'?", I raise an eyebrow.

"Exactly," Arlo flashes a 'hell-yeah-I-figured-this-out' smile.

"I want it in writing," I declare.

"Get over yourself," Arlo scoffs.

"I want it in writing," I command.

"Fine," Arlo huffs. "You have to tell Remi about this."

"Right," I nod. 

hi lads thanks for reading and I hope you like it! thanks for all your reads and votes

wear your mask!

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