Part 5-- Questions

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John's POV

Despite Tessa liking me, I didn't really see her blush. She was her calm, cold self. We sat down with our drinks and she showed the slightest bit of emotion, "Well...this is awkward." She rolled up her sleeves and took her glove off, laying it next to her. 

"Heh, yeah it is," I kinda smiled, "So how have you been lately?"

"Fine, I suppose. How are you holding up?", Tessa flashed a small smile, and sipped her boba. 

"Why didn't you tell me about what Claire was doing behind my back?", I growled. Tessa cocked her head to the side, then her eyes lit up.

"You wouldn't listen to me even if I told you. You didn't listen to that other kid, so why would you listen to me? I wasn't abut to risk being beaten half to death for telling you the truth," Tessa bluntly answered. I wouldn't react like that! I would listen to her! She's making that up! "Urgh," I growled.

"I wasn't about to be subjective there, John," Tessa remained calm and didn't flinch as I raised my hand to slap her.

"That will be enough of that," her eyes glowed and my arm was placed back down next to me, "Your barbaric ways of dealing with problems won't help you now." Her voice was cold, and drained of all emotion. How did this girl have a crush on me?

"It is my own human downfall, very much unfortunately. I apologize for reading your mind, but I find it quite fascinating. You have a normal desire to be loved, but, kind of like myself, you suppress it and other emotions. Your immediate reaction to feeling that desire, or any feeling at all, is rage, as it's the only feeling you are comfortable with. It's a strong emotion, makes you seem intimidating. Just as I remove emotion because I feel it makes me seem more powerful and intimidating, you choose to be angry," the glow in Tessa's eyes faded. Her monologue caught me off guard, and it kind of infuriated me. 

"I'm sorry if I made you mad, but if it helps, I understand," she looked away and blushed. 

Tessa's POV

Just like how I have that weird desire for you to like me back, I thought. I shouldn't be so desperate, I'm just lonely. My subconscious is screaming at me for simping.

"Hey, I'm gonna go, thanks for meeting me here," I smiled and blushed as I stood up. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the store. 

Thank hell that's over.

Next Monday...

Tessa's POV

I excitedly took out my new bluetooth earbuds and connected them with my phone. I turned my music on, and my mind was filled with Blink-182's All The Small Things. I smiled to myself and covered my ears with my hair, then continued on my way down the hall. Pop punk was soon interrupted by fight sounds and moans of pain. In the empty hall, I saw a girl being beaten up by a guy who was swearing about homework or whatever. I tried walking past, but the girl cried, "HELP! HELP, PLEASE!"

Maybe the least I could do was help this poor girl. I activated my power and made the guy the classic illusion of being stabbed repeatedly in the back by a hooded figure. While the kid writhed around in pain, the girl got up and ran in the direction of the infirmary. I looked down at the guy, who was moaning in pain as I kept the illusion up. I could see his eyes were glowing, and so were his fists, but the hooded figure was holding the boy tightly. I took out an earbud and paused my music to watch the guy's reactions to this illusion. In between yelps of pain, he growled, "I'm gonna kill you, just you wait." My study was interrupted by the tat-tat-tat of shoes on the ground. I quickly killed the illusion and deactivated my ability and looked over to see who was walking towards me. Red hair, bright yellow eyes. The Jack? 

"What did you do to him?", he scolded.

"He was beating up a girl and screaming. I felt sorry for the girl so I made him an illusion of him being stabbed by a hooded figure," I answered. 

"Where is this 'girl' he was beating up?", the Jack snapped.

"Infirmary, I believe," I shrugged, quickly pulling my sleeve over my fake arm. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the guy hobble away.

"What did you just hide with your sleeve?", the Jack came closer to me. Arlo and Holden were enough to know about my prosthetic. 

"Nothing," I lied, then tried to walk past him. He moved quickly in front of me, and I internally swore. 

"It wasn't nothing if you tried to hide it," the Jack growled. 

"Hey man, there you ar-Ohhhhh, am I interrupting something?", a guy came up to us. Bright orange eyes, yellow-orange hair. Clearly dyed, as the underside was black. Wondrous, now 4 people will learn about my fake arm. 

"Well, I was just about to find out what the new girl's glove is hiding, so yeah, you were Isen," I took the opportunity to make myself appear invisible.

"Wait, she's gone," the Jack hissed. I saw Isen's eyes glow and he crossed his arms, "No, she's not. She's right there."

Damn, I thought, and deactivated my ability. "May I ask how you knew I was still there?", I asked.

"I have a hunter ability. I could detect your heartbeat," Isen looked down at me.

"Impressive," I remarked. 

"So, why are you wearing a glove? It's literally September," Isen asked.

"You make a point," I pulled the glove off casually and showed off my fake hand. "Happy?"

I tried to walk away from the guys, but the Jack grabbed my metal hand.

"We still have questions," he hissed.

"I won't answer them. Let me go," I commanded.

"You can't order him around! You're just a mid-tier!", Isen scolded.

"Hm, I fail to understand why you think me telling someone to let me go is ordering them around. I simply want to go to class," I defended. Did Arlo not tell them that I am actually a high-tier? The Jack didn't let go of my hand. 

"Her heart rate is speeding up. Chill out man," Isen's eyes glowed. He had an awesome ability. 

"I still have questions," the Jack pulled me toward him. His pulling on my prosthetic hurt a little bit, and I let out an "argh" in pain. 

"Please don't yell at me when I say this, but let go of my prosthetic," I requested, "What questions do you have?"

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