Part 31-- Follow

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Isen's POV

I'm falling asleep while watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine when my phone rings. A picture of Tessa fills the screen and I blush a bit while getting a strong feeling that something's gone horribly wrong.

"Tessa?", I groan when I answer my phone. 

"Isen? Yeah, hi, uh, this is a weird question, but is anyone at your door?", Tessa asks. Her voice is frantic and I can tell she's worked up about something. 

"What?", I get out of bed and look out the peephole. "No."

"Has John contacted you at all?"

" What is going on?"

"I pissed John off an hour ago and I can't get ahold of him. H-he talked about threatening you."

"Well, *swear*, Tessa, what did you do?", I force out a laugh because I don't know how else to react.

"I told him to get a therapist and then argued with him for an hour."

"That was unwise," I raise my eyebrows.

"Don't rub it in," Tessa scoffs. "Shit, John's apartment door just opened. I'm gonna follow him."

"No! Are you *swear*-ing crazy?"

"It's fine, he won't know I'm there," Tessa assures, but I'm not so sure. 

"Stay. Home," I command. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"And what can you do about it?"

"Watch it," I scold.

"Sorry, but John's too powerful."

"And you're assuming that he's going to Black Panther his ass into the dorms? He's gonna make a scene."

"Isen, his ability coupled with how pissed off he is right now will make him the same level of destructive as when he rampaged at New Bostin."

"Why don't you do something about it?", I question. "You've *swear*-ed with his head before."

"I'm not sure if he can feel it when I use my telepathy on him. *swear*, he's going down the sidewalk," Tessa's voice gets quiet. I hear her open her door and it close behind her. "*swear*, man, I'm panicking."

I have a feeling. Just a feeling that I need to leave. 

"Tessa, I think you're right," I mutter into my phone as I grab a hoodie. I step out of my dorm and walk down the hall to the stairs. 

"Okay, you're leaving the dorms, right?", Tessa asks. "What do I do with John?"

"What are you doing with him right now?", I start going down the stairs.

"Just making him think I'm not there."

"How far behind him are you?"

"A good 15 feet," Tessa replies. Her footsteps speed up. 

"Wait, Tessa," I pause in the middle of the stairs.

"What?", Tessa's footsteps stop.

"I don't think John's coming for me."

A pause.

"He's coming for Seraphina," Tessa finishes. "We're both *swear*-ed now, aren't we?"

"I think we can wait it out at a gas station," I shrug and keep going down the stairs. "I'm close to the bottom, so I'm gonna hang up. Call me if you see anything."

"Got it."

I get to the bottom and use my ability to see if anyone's around. I don't see anyone around, so I push the emergency exit door open and sneak out of the building, keeping my ability activated while I stalk into the garden.

I duck behind a bush when I hear loud, angry footsteps nearby. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I lay down over it to check it.


Tessa: John has arrived. Are you out?

Me: just got out. where are you?

Tessa: a bit behind john. i fell on the way over and i'm not sure if he saw/heard anything

Me: jesus christ woman

Tessa:  i know

Tessa: i see you. johns too far away to see you

I get up to see a beating heart and feel brain activity while I deactivate my ability. Tessa stands a few feet away from me in all black and a Bucky Barnes mask hiding her face. The only way I can make out any details is from the bright purple glow in her eyes.

"Isen," she rushes toward me and hugs me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I nod. "You seem panicked."

"You don't," Tessa lets go of me. 

"I've taken a page from your book and internalized it," I shrug.

"Oh, hush."

"Alright, we leave now, right?", I ask. 

"Yup," Tessa nods. 

Wearing combat boots was not a good choice on Tessa's part, I have to admit. They're loud as hell.

I know, Tessa's voice comes into my mind. 

I pull my hood over my head as Tessa and I hustle off campus, looking back every once in a while to make sure John isn't coming after us. We make it after 15 or so minutes to a little 24 hour cafe, where we sit down and order drinks.

"So, what happened?", I break the silence.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't ask," Tessa takes her mask off and hood down. "So, you know how Arlo is making me stalk John?"


"So, I wanted to see if he'd be open to therapy and I called him to talk to him about that. I let him rant for a bit and then I told him that I think he should talk to a professional and he snapped at me, then I snapped at him, then he made me think that I'm worthless to my friends and then I snapped at him again, he threatened you, then I hung up," Tessa tells me.

"Damn, really?", I straighten my back.

"It's an oversimplification of things, but yes," Tessa sips her tea. 

"Hold up," I look over Tessa's shoulder out the window to see a figure walking toward the cafe. 

"What?", Tessa glances over her shoulder and grabs her mask. "*swear*."

Everybody knows the iconic duo of the magenta extensions with a light smattering of green and the mass of disheveled black hair.


thanks for reading! love you lads!

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