Part 1-- The Beginning

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I was sitting outside on a bench, simply reading and minding my own business. I heard the familiar grunting and pounding of a fight, but it was louder...and coming closer. I put my book in my bag and slung it over my shoulder, then walked toward the sound of the fight, only to realize I was yards away from it. There was one guy in the center of it all: John.

Damn, I gotta get outta here, I thought, then snuck away. I got to the street, then booked it to the coffee shop a block away. "Damn these shoes I can't run in," I growled, still running.

I arrived at the coffee shop and put my hair up, then stood outside for a moment to catch my breath before finally going inside and taking in the lovely feel of air conditioning. I ordered an iced chai tea latte, then camped out in the store for a while. I probably loitered for like an hour just reading and occasionally checking out the window to make sure no one from school had come to drag me into the fight.

I went straight home that day to tell my parents about the fight.

A few short months later...

"Thanks for helping me unpack, Mom," I smiled.

"No problem. Call me and tell me how your first day of school goes next week!", my mom jumped in her car and drove off.

I took the next few days to myself to get settled into my apartment and get organized before school. 

A week later...

"Alright class, this is-" I side-glared at the teacher- "Katherine Davis! I hope you will all give her a good first day!"

Some of the kids gave a pathetic wave as I made my way to the seat the teacher gestured at. A dark-haired kid with gelled hair next to me (Clark Kent vibes) caught my eye, and I thought I knew him from somewhere. Had I seen him on the street? As soon as I begin to consider that I went to school with him at some point, it clicks that Clark Kent next to me is John. I had been his acquaintance-I guess- at New Bostin. And I thought he was pretty hot, I suppose I liked him. I felt heat rush to my face and I quickly flicked my gaze down at my textbook. History class sucked, but ironically, I loved history. I guess I just hate the way teachers teach it.

I half listened to the teacher lecture about WWII for an hour and then class was finally over. I was putting my stuff in my backpack when I felt John glance at me, then turn away.

"So, new kid, what's your ability?", someone asked behind me.

I hated this question. People could figure out my weakness. I had 2 go-to answers, enhanced senses and energy control.

"Enhanced senses," I lied, still putting my crap away. I tightened my ponytail, then stood up.

"Wait- we aren't done," the kid grabbed my shoulder.

"What else must you know?", I raised my eyebrows.

"Power level."

"Ah, I believe 4.2," I took the kid's hand off my shoulder. I looked at my schedule, and groaned when I saw I had Math. I trekked down the hall to the math room, only to see a kid getting beat up.

"WHERE IS MY HOMEWORK?", the kid shrieked.

"I forgot it in my dorm, I'm so sorry!", the kid getting beat up cried.


Fair point. I didn't show it on my face, but I was somewhat amused by this, though I hated seeing the kid getting beat up because of a normal human glitch. I activated my ability and made the bully think he was being stabbed repeatedly. Once the other kid stood up, I deactivated my powers and walked into class.

I asked the teacher where I could sit, and he pointed to a desk in the front, so I nodded and sat at the indicated desk.

Thanks for reading! I'm going to try to publish longer chapters every Tuesday

- Schlorgan_27 :)

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