Part 12-- Mall

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Tessa's POV

I took an earbud out and blushed a bit, relieved that some stray strands of hair that hung in my face covered my cheeks.

"Hey, John," I gave a weak smile.

I looked down at my phone and paused the music. 

"Green Day. Of course. You've always been such an emo," John teased. 

"You're one to talk," I retorted.

"Oof, that hurts. So, what's up with you and Isen?"

"What do you mean? He just walked home with me," I quickly choked out. 

"I dunno man, I kinda ship it," John smiled, leaning close to me.

"Oh my god," I groaned, putting my earbuds in their charging case and shoving the case into my purse.

"Wanna hang out?", John asked.

"Can't hurt," I shrugged. 

"Yay, finally we can do something together!"

I'm already regretting this, I thought. But you do want to hang out with your friend, right?, my subconscious scolds.

John and I went to the mall. 

"Wanna go in there?", John offered, pointing at a record store.

"I would absolutely love to, but I don't have a turnta-", I started.

"They have stickers and patches," John smirked.

"We're going in."

I bought 6 stickers, a Led Zepplin patch, and a Green Day heart grenade patch.

We had a pretty good time hanging out at the mall. At one point, we avoided a group of kids from Wellston by hiding in a rack of clothes in a thrift store.

"Well, that was incredibly awkward," I remarked as we ran out of the mall.

"Let's never talk about that," John declared.

"I'm cool with that."


ok yall im soooo sorry for not updating for so long but writers block has been killing me

thank you so much for reading and I hope youre enjoying the story


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