Part 11-- Tense

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Tessa's POV

I got diarrhea. I took a shower when I was done, and I when I got out, I checked my phone.

Remi: hey you missed a pop quiz in trig today :/

Wondrous, I thought. Huh? What's this?

I scrolled farther down my notifications (deleting them as I go), when I encountered a text from John.

John: hey man why arent ya at school

Should I tell him I'm sick? 

Me: im sick

I plugged my phone in in the kitchen, then munched on some saltines. I ate slowly as I watched TLC shows. I looked at my phone as I watched TV, scrolling through memes on reddit and mindlessly upvoted random posts. After a while, I put my phone down and randomly asked to no one, "Am I just looking at my phone and watching reality shows to try to further suppress my loneliness?"

I closed my laptop, and put it in my room. I laid back down on the couch and tried to analyze myself. 

"If I live ignoring my emotions, they still exist, so what am I even achieving by living without them? I guess I am more intimidating when I don't show my feelings. I guess Arlo and I have one thing in common. I've never seen him smile," I said to myself. 

I stayed at home for the next day, and then the day after I went back to school.

"Ah, look who finally came to school!", Isen smiled.

"I appreciate the greeting," I remarked, wanting to go back to bed. I walked to my first class, and at the end, my teacher gave me all the homework I had missed. This was repeated with my next 3 classes until lunch, and then I walked over to a nearby restaurant and got myself a sandwich for lunch.

My last classes were as boring and uneventful as the first 4, and I expected to pull an all-nighter to get all my homework done. 

"Hey, Isen, Blyke, and I were gonna go to Barstucks, wanna come?", Remi asked when I met her at the school gates.

I shrugged, "It can't hurt."

"Yay!", Remi smiled, and we walked to the coffee shop. I'm gonna need caffeine to get through tonight, I thought. 

"Hey, uh, Tessa?", Isen asked when we sat down.

"Yeah," I side glanced over at him.

"What was that album you were talking about with Blyke? The one that's better than American Idiot?"

"21st Century Breakdown?"

"Is not better than American Idiot!", Blyke interrupted.

"Okay, we need to settle this barbaric debate, so you know that I am correct, Blyke," I growled.

"How?", Blyke leaned forward in his chair.

"We'll have Isen listen to the albums and make his decision," I suggested.

"I think we're gonna need more than one person. Let's use Remi."

"Wait, what?", Remi asked.

"You and Isen are gonna listen to 2 different Green Day albums, and tell us which you thought was better," I explained.

"Okay, first of all, pay me. Second, what if there's a tie?", Isen asked.

"I'll give you 10 bucks each," I interjected.

"And, we can always use Arlo!", Remi suggested.

I despised Arlo ever since he tried to force John to use his ability, but I guess I didn't really have to interact with him much.

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