Part 2-- The King and the Number

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The class ended, and I walked down the hall to my next class: English. I don't mind English.

"Hey are you the new kid?", a male voice inquired behind me.

"Who's asking?", my social battery is on 47%.

"Don't disrespect your king like that!", yelled another voice.

"She's new, man," said the other kid.

I turned around and saw a blonde guy with bright blue eyes and a kid with blue hair.

"To answer you, yes I am," I checked my watch, 3 minutes till class starts.

"Why are you wearing a glove? It's 90 degrees outside," the blonde kid questioned as he grabbed my hand.

"Warts," I quickly lied.

"Don't lie. I don't feel anything."

Damn it, I watched the kid pull my glove off.

"A prosthetic?", both guys raised their eyebrows.

"Give my glove back," I hissed, "We done here?"

Someone walked down the hall at that moment, and I stuffed my hand in my pocket.

"Don't be so rude. I am Arlo, the King here. This is Holden. We have some questions for you," Arlo cooed, handing my glove back to me. I pulled it on and massaged my metal wrist.

You're the 'King'? You look like you're only a year older than me.

"What is your ability?", Holden pressed.

I knew I couldn't lie well without using my ability, so I sharply exhaled and answered, "Mind manipulation is what my old school called it. I have telepathy, can make illusions, and mind control."

"That's a unique ability, what's your power level?", Arlo seemed genuinely curious, but I sensed something more, a plan perhaps?

"7.2," I turned on my heel and began to walk away, but a yellow wall separated me and English class.

"Let me go," I growled.

"Make me," I heard Arlo's condescending smile.

"With pleasure," I smirked and activated my power. I went into his mind and willed him to let the barrier down. Instantly, the barrier turned bright red, then shattered. I deactivated my ability and sauntered to English class.

John?, I made brief eye contact with him, then sat down in the middle row a seat diagonal to him.

English class was pretty average, and so were all the other classes. The lunch was alright, and I was quite excited to relax at home. I was walking between 2 buildings in a shortcut on my walk to my apartment, when I stopped in my tracks.

I powered up and used my telepathy to growl, Who's there?, as I spun on my heel.

"Ah, it is you," John remarked.

I tried to stop blushing. "Are you following me?", I asked.

"Is that how you greet a friend, Tessa?", John smiled a little bit. He stepped closer.

"That's not my name," I looked away.

"We both know it is. How've you been?" The tone of those sentences was very different.

"Oh, I made an impulse decision to make a bully think he was being stabbed, and controlled Arlo's mind to break his barrier, so I think today's been a success," I flashed a hint of a smile.

"Wait, Arlo?", John's expression changed.

"Yeah, he kind of sucks. I assume you know him? You're far more powerful than he is, probably," I mumbled, taking out my phone to text my parents.

John scoffed, "Yeah. He does."

"Uhm, it was nice seeing you. Can I get your number?", I asked, still blushing.

"Sure." We exchanged numbers, and I was on my way to my apartment again.

I threw my backpack on the couch and started making some cream of wheat as I put my earbuds in and connected them to my phone, then played my music.

"Welcome to paradise!", I sang, stirring the cream of wheat. I shrieked the lyrics to some more 90's hits, then started my homework as I ate the cream of wheat.

About an hour later, I finished my work and smiled, "That wasn't too bad."

I put up all my books and put my backpack in my bedroom, then put on a shirt and some running shorts on.

"Ah, I should probably put an athletic bra on to, I guess," I sighed at this mild inconvenience.

I pulled out my cheap punching bag into the living room, then exercised and did some reps for self defense moves I saw on the internet.

"Speaking of which," I panted, then ran back into my room, grabbed my laptop, and placed it on the couch. I watched Divorce Court and Judge Judy (my guilty pleasures) as I did various exercises. I did some planks, squats, crunches, sit ups, and as many push-ups as my weak arms could handle.

My core was very worn out, I was gonna be sore as hell tomorrow. My thighs were gonna kill me too. I looked at my body in the mirror before I got into the shower. I'm pretty dissatisfied with the strange plateau of fat on my stomach, and I'm trying to flatten it with exercise and eating better. But you've tried for 2 years now, don't you think with an adequate amount of exercise and eating well would cure this horrid feature?, I punished myself inside. I hate these strange thoughts I get sometimes. 

How could you possibly think John would notice someone as shameful as you?

John should've beat you up that day. You don't deserve what you have. Pathetic. You got your ability 2 years ago and somehow you can't control them well!

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