Part 20-- Diagnosis

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After Isen leaves, I decide to go on a walk to process what just happened. It's 3 in the afternoon and I just spent the whole day boyfriend? Huh, where do Isen and I stand? I've kissed him twice and I think he might be the hottest man I've ever seen and I've developed what my mom has diagnosed as a crush on him...but what is our relationship?

I need to talk to someone about this.

I call my mom's best friend Rebecca to ask her if I can come over.

"Tessa!", Beck greets after 2 rings.

"Hey, Beck," I smile. 

"What's up? How have you been? It's been so long," Beck reminds me. 

"Well, I was wondering if we could talk, and maybe if I could stay the night or something. I need some time away, anyway," I half laugh and Beck squeals a bit with excitement. She's told me I bring out her "inner teenager" and she is not incorrect. 

"Yes yes yes!", Beck replies with an insane amount of enthusiasm that I'm pretty sure leaks from my ear into my brain because I for some reason cannot return to my usual stoic state. 

"Do you need me to pick you up?", Beck offers.

"No, no thanks. I can get an Uber," I shake my head. 

"'I'll see you soon! I'm so excited!"

"See ya," I nod and hang up, then immediately turn around to trek back to my apartment.

When I finally return to my apartment a long 10 minutes later, I throw my laptop and my drawing tablet in my shoulder bag along with my notebook and all the chargers I need. I shove a change of clothes and my purse into my duffel bag, then plug in my earbuds and see which buses are close. 

~~{time skip bought to you by Bucky Barnes giving Tessa a high five with his metal arm and then hugging her because Bucky really wants to be a good father figure/role model}~~

"You're finally here!", Beck exclaims as she hugs me, forcing me to inhale her strong perfume. It's a pleasant smell I can only describe as a bakery explosion. 

"Hey," I force out when the hug goes a bit longer than I expected. Once I'm released, I'm allowed into Beck's cute, little, aesthetically pleasing house. There are candles and stacks of books on every shelf, lots of wicker baskets, a super nice couch with pillows that have deer and birds and stuff on them. A gray, chunky knit blanket drapes over the side of the couch and just looking at it brings about a warm, nostalgic feeling. I drop my stuff down next to the couch and take my phone and its charger out then sit at the kitchen island.

"So, what didya want to talk about?", Rebecca kindly asks. She runs a hand through her hair before asking "Want some tea?"

"Yes, please. And here's a little background just so you're not really that lost," I start. 

I tell Rebecca everything about Isen, Blyke, Remi, John, Arlo, and his offer to make me Queen.

Becca, being so well-versed in emotions, has been my main confidant since I was around 13. She understands me probably better than my mom does. She, just like my mom, diagnoses me with a crush on Isen and asks me to specify on the Arlo situation.

"Well," I gather my thoughts while I sip my tea. "Arlo's the King of Wellston, and Remi's the Queen. Remi's power level is 5.4, but mine is 7.2 last time I checked. Arlo is getting pretty done with Remi, and since I'm more powerful than her, Arlo wants me to be Queen. He wants me to overthrow Remi and be the new Queen of Wellston. I don't want to over throw her, though. Remi's my best friend. I think I need to tell her Arlo wants me to overthrow her, but I also don't want to be the one responsible for ruining Arlo and Remi's friendship. Not to mention I don't want to lose Remi, Blyke, and Isen."

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