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Will walked away from Nico, smirking. He was going to call him 'Sunshine' more often. The other Apollo kids were not-particularly-discreetly watching the scene play out. So were the other campers, although they at least were being a little subtle. Will hid his self-consciousness and headed toward Connor's bed. 

"Sooooo.." Said the Son of Hermes. "You and Nico." "Don't you start." Said Will, checking his patient sheet. "I get enough grief from my siblings, I don't need cousins on my case too." "Just tell him, man." Connor said. "None of that second-guessing stuff." "Easy for you to say." Will grumbled. His crush was pretty much the worst-kept secret at Camp. 

"Why not? he likes you too." "Oh, and suddenly you're the most reliable judge of human emotions." Will retaliated. "I'm gonna rebandage your arm, okay?" Connor nodded. And so the process went. Connor tried his best not to move, which was clearly difficult. Will couldn't blame him, ADHD sucked. He finished and placed the excess bandage on the bedside table. "Okay, you can move now." Connor let out a sigh of relief. "Okay good. Because I was about to explode." He deadpanned, his normal grin returning to his face. 

"You wouldn't dare." Will deadpanned right back. "You could hurt some other patients." "Fine. I promise not to explode if you tell Nico how you feel about him." "No deal." Said Will, blushing profusely. Connor sighed. "Why not?" "I have no idea how he feels about me! With my luck, he either is asexual, straight, or in love with someone else." Will retorted. "Yep. And that explains why he is decidedly not obviously staring at you." Will, with superhuman willpower, resisted the urge to glance at his crush. Then he sighed. "You're all done for now, I need to go help Austin with those Romans who still need medical aid." 

"You need to tell him though. Real talk." Said Connor, his usual cheeky grin replaced with a look of somewhat seriousness. "I do not." Will said, then turned on his heel and walked away. He hid his blushing like the pro he was, and stopped by Nico's bed. That was where he left his coffee. Nico didn't seem to notice him, which was a huge relief. 

He kept on with his day, helping patients and occasionally checking on the emo in the corner. Whenever he did so, he could feel the knowing, snarky looks imprinting themselves on the back of his head. Siblings. 

Nico, thankfully, didn't once seem to notice. He let Will do first aid on him without much complaint. Jason actually came to visit Nico that afternoon. Will didn't listen in. He suspected they had a brotherlike relationship. It was kinda cute, watching them bicker from across the infirmary. Well, mostly Nico was cute. Jason was Jason.

At the end of the day, he helped put everything away and was practically dragged back to his cabin by assorted siblings. "You looooooooove him~" Kayla drawled immediately. "You're not gonna let that go, are you?" "Not likely." Said Austin. The rest nodded their heads matter-of-factly. "Just tell him, man!" Said Carlo. "You sound like Connor." Will mumbled under his breath. "Excuse me?" Carlo demanded, immediately. "What?" asked Will, a smile playing on his lips. "Now excuse me, I'm going to bed." There was a chorus of goodnights before he collapsed on his bed and passed out.

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