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Nico was a mess. It was an hour before he was scheduled to leave the infirmary, and here he was. Standing in the bathroom, trying to stop himself from sweating and/or throwing up. He was, in fact, following through with his promise to Jason and he was so very, very nervous. Will was going to hate him. How the hell was he going to force those words to leave his mouth?

"Hey, Death Boy, you almost done in there?" Called the voice of Connor Stoll from the door. "Yeah, gimme a sec!" Nico called back, trying to keep his voice even. He took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom and towards his bed in the corner. There he sad down and started focusing deeply on his breathing. He was going to be fine. He was going to be fine. He was not going to have a heart attack.

Minutes slipped by until there was just five before he had to go. Okay, you can do this. It's not like you're putting an entire relationship in jeopardy! He told himself. It was.. less than comforting. 

And then Will came over and Nico started internally panicking. Oh Schist I'm not ready yet- He was cut off from said internal panic when Will started to speak. "Alright, that was three days. Do you feel better?" Nico managed a quick nod. "Alright, good. Then you're free to go. Want me to walk you back to your cabin?"

"Uh- sure." Will nodded. "C'mon then." Nico followed the son of Apollo out of the infirmary (absolutely everyone else knew what was going on pretty much). They were walking in comfortable silence for a while, Nico still slightly freaking out. They were about half way to the cabin before either spoke. It happened to be Will. "Thanks for humoring me." 

Nico shrugged. "Doctor's orders, right?" Will grinned at him. "Yep." "And I do feel less drained." "Which is good." Will agreed. 

Just SAY it dammit! Nico yelled at himself. It's not that hard, genius! "Hey, uh, Will?" Will turned toward him. "Yeah?" 

"So, um.. I- I like you. Like a lot." 

He saw about 7 different emotions run across Will's face before landing on slightly confused. "Like a friend?" Nico's heart fell. "No," He somehow managed to choke out. "Like more than that. Hopefully." Will was silent for a moment before throwing his hands in the air.

"Well what do you know! The gay curse didn't affect me!" Nico was suddenly very confused. "Elaborate?" He prompted. "My crush isn't straight!" Will said victoriously. "Wait, me?" "Yeah, I thought I was being blatantly obvious." Nico shrugged. "Guess not." 

"So how's this going to work?" "We'll figure it out." Nico said. He wasn't sure about a lot of things, but he was about that. "You sound sure of yourself." Will remarked. "Not sure about that, but I am aware that this is the most sappy I've been in literal years." Will burst out laughing. "Alright then. That's something I heard today." Nico cracked a smile. 

That was when they got to the Hades Cabin. "Good timing." Will observed. Nico nodded. He was about to head to the door when Will asked, rather meekly, "Could I.. kiss you please?" 

Nico grinned. "Doctor's orders, Sunshine." 

Doctor's Orders, SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now