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Nico had a dream about skeletons. That, surprisingly, was unusual. For a child of Hades, he had an incredible lack of Halloween-type spooky dreams. Usually, he had worse nightmares than anyone. But even his really mean subconscious wasn't afraid of reanimated skeletons. But suddenly the dream shifted, and he was rewatching the last battle with Gaea. A starburst of fire in the sky, Octavian screaming at the top of his lungs, and then it was over. But just like the last time, he woke up in a cold sweat. 

It took a moment to regain any logical thought, but his brain eventually remembered what had happened when it was light. Will. Infirmary. Three days. Oh Gods, why had he agreed to this?  He felt along one of the newly stitched up werewolf scratches. He hissed in pain and quickly pulled his hand away. 

He glanced at the clock on the wall, 11:37 p.m. He sighed. Might as well try to get some more sleep. But when he placed his head down, it fell through. Oh Schist.. 

He got up in search of Unicorn Draught, slipped past the door without waking anyone up, and started heading to the Hades Cabin. He passed the Apollo Cabin on the way there. The curtains were drawn and the lights were off, but Nico could hear faint arguing coming from inside. Huh. Crazy doctors. Promoting self-health and then turning around and staying up who knows how late. He kinda wondered what they were arguing about. 

No matter. He got to his cabin, and started rooting around in his bag for Unicorn Draught. He found a flask of the silvery liquid, and started walking back to the infirmary. Camp was peaceful in the night. The Artemis Cabin glowing silver, the Apollo Cabin across the green glowing Gold, the weirdos in there still arguing. 

He got back to the infirmary, laid the flask on the nightstand, laid down, and promptly fell into a peaceful, dreamless sleep, which is even MORE unusual for him.  

Doctor's Orders, SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now