Chapter 19

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"I was made by his half heart.. Then how come I can leave hope?"


3rd Person Pov

Pack's members aren't standing far from forest nor inside forest. All of them were standing near to the forest but clear space inside War place. Everyone was standing close to their King and Queen. All Pack's members few of them were looking down and many of them were crying. So at the end they couldn't save their King? Everyone was just thinking this.

Royal Beta Hai Kuan was standing with his Mate Zheng Shuang while looking down, his Mate was holding his hand tightly and crying silently. While looking at the King and Queen.

Delta Zhou Cheng was looking down all the time, his Mate Gamma Zoey Meng was crying silently too. He clenched his fist more tightly. Because the pain they are having its indescribable.

Warrior Yu Bin was holding his Mate Cheng Zhou Xuan tightly because as a soft person. He can't bear this pain. He was looking down. He didn't look at the King and Queen from the beginning.

Third Command Xuan Lu crying silently while looking at the King and Queen. Once she said she always look at this boy(Xiao Zhan) as her younger brother. But right now everything is mess up. Alpha Cao Yu Chen was holding Xuan Lu's hand tightly.

Lycan Darren Wang once he break all rules and go against Lycan King Wang Yibo. But today he is feeling bad for his King and Queen from his heart. Even his Mate Vampire Cai Xukun is crying while holding his Mate's hand.

Lastly Queen Xiao Zhan was still crying loudly while holding his Mate's head on his lap. His Mate said many things before closing his eyes. All things are making his heart clenching tightly. He always wanted to hear *I love you* from his Mate. But like this? He never imagine it. Xiao Zhan is keep shouting, screaming , begging to Wang Yibo for open his eyes but he isn't opening his eyes. Suddenly the sky become dark and rain start. Everyone still standing around them in rain.

Yu Bin who was looking down all time. He finally saw something. The King's left hand's fingers are moving slowly. Yu Bin clench his Mates hand tightly. Cheng Zhou Xuan look at Yu Bin questioningly.

"What?" Cheng Zhou Xuan asked in whisper.

"The.. K.. K.. King.. Hand. Move.. Fingers.. Left.. Hand... Move.. Its moving.." Yu Bin said in stuttering.

Everyone look at Yu Bin then look at King. Though Yu Bin said in stutter. They understand including Xiao Zhan what he is trying to say. Xiao Zhan immediately look at Wang Yibo's left hand then check his breath.


After Xiao Zhan's shout Royal Beta Hai Kuan and Delta Zhou Cheng take Wang Yibo up from Xiao Zhan's lap. Then they leave for hospital immediately. Xiao Zhan's body is now exhausted. Though he wants to go with his Mate. But this time he don't even have the energy to get up from ground. Everyone already left from there expect Xuan Lu, Zoey Meng, Zheng Shuang and Cheng Zhou Xuan. Because it's their responsibilities to take care of Queen. Xiao Zhan was trying to get up Xuan Lu immediately help him to get up.

"Queen.. You are ok?" Xuan Lu immediately asked.

Xiao Zhan didn't answer he just nod his head in yes. Suddenly Xuan Lu get mind link from Elder Hu Xiao Tong. All of them understand Xuan Lu is talking through mind link. They didn't interrupt her. Everyone was just holding Xiao Zhan tightly. Who was in completely draining situation.

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