Chapter 11

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"The feeling is unwanted. Still I can't deny it."

3rd Person Pov

Continuation From Abandon Place

"Welcome back Zanilia..." Wang Zi Xuan said without any expression on her face.

Zanilia chuckled darkly and shake her head. After seeing expressionless face of Wang Zi Xuan. Zanilia make her eyes normal. From violet to brown eyes. She looks at Wang Zi Xuan. Who was looking fearless.

"Ayaa.. I am your Twin sister you should have some emotions or respect while you are welcoming me.." Zanilia said in playful tone.

"I respect them who are equally powerful like me.." Wang Zi Xuan said without emotion.

Zanilia's playful face gone after hearing those things. She looks at Wang Zi Xuan darkly. Zanilia go near towards Wang Zi Xuan in seconds. Wang Zi Xuan stumbled but didn't fall because of sudden action of Zanilia. She was still looking at Wang Zi Xuan with her angry eyes. But still there is no fear in Wang Zi Xuan's eyes.

"You know right you are going to die in few minutes?" Zanilia asked.

"I know.. Before that I want to know some question's answer.." Wang Zi Xuan said.

"Tsk... And you thought I will answer you?" Zanilia asked while moving away from Wang Zi Xuan other side.

"You have to.." Wang Zi Xuan said.

"Why you didn't come out from there? You were never asleep deeply. Then why did you wait for 997 years? Its can't be only because you wanted me to open the gate by myself.. Then what is it?" Wang Zi Xuan asked.

"Smart.." Zanilia said with a laugh.

"Well.. You know I have betrayed my so called dog.. Dogs are really loyal you know. My pet is also loyal. I betrayed my so called Mate Wang Yibo..." Zanilia about to say something more but Wang Zi Xuan cut her.

"Mate!?" Wang Zi Xuan asked and answer at the same time with dry laugh.

"HE. IS MY. MATE." Zanilia said while gritting her teeth and turning back immediately.

"Understand?" Zanilia asked.

"Yeah. Yeah sorry. Please continue.." Wang Zi Xuan said.

"He is my puppet.. Whatever I did after that he also need some time right for forgetting everything? So I did give him time..." Zanilia said with shrugged.

"Yeah I know I took too long...." Zanilia about to continue but Wang Zi Xuan cut her again.

"Cut the bullshit.. I know this making sense. But tell me real reason..." Wang Zi Xuan said.

"Dad used to said always listen your Twin sister because she is immortal and 25 older than you.. He is the only one I have ever respect.. And also this gas always make me feel dizzy but not make me full sleepy.." Zanilia said without emotions while taking up a cigarette packet from that headless Werewolf corpse.

"Lighter?" Zanilia asked.

Wang Zi Xuan throw the lighter little bit away from Zanilia. But still she catch the lighter in seconds. Then she lit the cigarette and start smoking.

"Everyone loves you more because you were born to immortal Witch and I was mortal. You got everything and I got nothing... So I had to snatch everything right? Dad used to tell me do whatever you have to do for surviving.. So I did..." Zanilia said while smoking.

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