" Wilbur! " Tommy whispered in a yell, warning me.

I would have stopped and never would plan to approach the door, but the voices in my head, it kept me going. So I chose to ignore Tommy, earning a distressed noise coming from him as he was already late from stopping me. My hand eventually reached the door, which I pushed open for me to exit. The pieces of dirt and grass fell on me with crumbles, making me cough as I inhaled most of it and some went to my eyes.

" Hello, Wilbur. "

My eyes widened.

" A little bird told me you needed help. "

" Techno. "

I quickly ran towards him and engulfed him in a warming hug, whispering words on how much I've longed for him, my dear brother.

" Wilbur, I think I'm not suppose to die yet, you might wanna back away a little. " His familiar sly voice came ringing in my ears, making me laugh as I push myself away from him. Once I did, I stared at him, my eyes couldn't believe it.

From the little boy I used to spar with, was now taller than me with his hair longer than before, stopping in the mid of his back as it was tied up in a low ponytail. His mask was tied to his waist alongside his weapons for hunting, the only thing that's left of him back then was his long gown and golden crown shining in it's glory.

" Wilbur! Who was it?! I'm here! " Tommy's voice came out with a loud yell as he started to swing all over the air. Techno tilted his head to the side, dumbfoundly watching him.

" That's not how you attack, Tommy. Not even a fly would get hurt. " Techno stated with a disappointed sigh. " Besides, you're late. Anyone could've easily murdered Wilbur, specially since he lacks the defence system. "

I looked down at myself and realized I wasn't carrying any weapons, not even a single sharp knife to protect myself. I sheepishly chuckled and rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment. Tommy on the other side, was visibly excited at the sudden prescence of a familiar face.

" Technoblade! Older brother- "

Techno quickly threw a small pebble towards Tommy, shutting him up as he fell on the ground and held his throbbing forehead. I stifled a laugh as I watched him whine and roll over the floor.

" Anyways, I've come to say this, " Techno started, making me look at him curiously. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

" What is it? Is it bad? "

" I can't say, it's up to you when you see it. " He replied to me.

Tommy was quick to hear this and quickly jumped up from the ground.

" What is it?! "


Third Person POV

As the Night grew darker, a man with a calm figure walked the Night alone and empty handed. Only a person who wanted to die would do, but the reason for it was another. He continued to walk away from the lights, which grew suspicousness from the eyes that watched him carefully. No one would dare to walk alone in the Night, nor with empty hands. With a quick jump, he quickly trailed behind as his curiousity continued to spark.

Where is he going? Eret thought to himself while swiftly running pass trees as he continued to watch Schlatt. Nothing was wrong but neither was right. He only wanted to know why he chose to be outside during godly hours.

For over an hour, they both walked the woods in complete silence, both being clueless of each other's prescence. Until Schlatt stoppes in the Middle of Two trees. Eret stayed behind the bushes and narrowed his eyes at what Schlatt was looking at and why he was here. Eret's heartbeat continued to beat rapidly, to the point that he grew Anxious that Schlatt could possibly hear it. He placed a hand over his heart and clutched on it, silently praying for the beat to slow down.

" I don't remember asking for company. " Schlatt raised his voice, just enough for Eret to hear a few feet behind him.

Eret's eyes widened. He suddenly lost control of his own muscles, as the feeling of Fear and Anxiousness took over his blood. Eret suddenly knew nothing of what to do nor to say. Do I escape? Do I stay? Do I confront him? He asked himself as he started to scream internally.

" Show yourself, I don't bite. " He continued to speak, obviously starting to feel another prescence with him. Schlatt closed his eyes in Irritation, regretting his action for not checking if somebody was to see him walking alone at Night. He balled his hands to a fist and turned around after hearing a small crack. On the other side, Eret had accidentally stepped on a stick, causing the sound to echo. He never felt so Afraid in his entire life.

" I'll count, before Ten, I need to see you here in front of me. " Schlatt stated as he looked around the dark spaces between trees, knowing well where someone can be hiding. Then, he started to count along with his steps.

To Eret's horror, he watched Schlatt sneak behind trees with a small knife equipped to his hand. His hand went flying straight to his mouth as he watched the knife go through the tree's bark before he slides it down, creating a deep crack inside. Eret suddenly felt sick at what he witnessed, he had already imagined the same thing being done to him. He quickly turned the opposite road and ran to wherever his feet could take, escaping the scene in a hurry.


publishing the next chapter in a few minutes °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

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