“Haden, you’re scaring me! Go sleep!” I order, getting off the couch and pushing past my psychotic guardian. The guys start sniggering, and that’s when it hits me. It was all an act! Of course!

I throw a death glare at them and stalk up the stairs to my room.


White snow? Check!

Stunning scenery? Check!

Pretty little house down the lane? Check!

Same old nightmare? BINGO!

Alright, let’s get this over with!

I march my way down the lane and soon my home comes into view. Everything’s the same as usual; quiet, dark, ominous...

I walk up to the window...and nothing happens. Wait...where the bloody hand?

               “Jessy,” a cold whisper drifts towards me, chilling me.

               “Who said that?” I demand, my voice shaking.

               “Come in,” the whisper comes again.

Then, as if by their own accord, my legs begin moving towards the door of the little house. My heart beats frantically in my chest. Just a dream, I keep reminding myself.

I grasp the cold doorknob and push the door open.

The hooded figure stands over my older brother, a small, rusty dagger in hand. The moment he hears the door open, he glances up at me and I freeze on the spot.

That look!

His cold, grey eyes seem to bore into my very sole, stripping away everything else.


I sit bolt upright in my bed, still shaking.

Stupid little girl! It was just a dream! I remind myself internally.

But if I was being honest, I do have to admit...the dream really scared me to the core. Why did it change?!

A crash suddenly comes from somewhere outside of my window, and I jump up in fright. You know what? Reputation be damned!

I run through the corridors and up the flight of stairs leading to the master bedroom. I gingerly knock the door, while throwing apprehensive glances around me. I can’t shake that feeling of being watched.

The door creeks open, and Haden stands before me, rubbing his tired eyes.

               “Something the matter?” he asks sleepily.

               “I heard a crash. Outside my window,” I mumble, feeling the heat rise up to my cheeks. I know I’m too old to be running to someone else when I’m scared...but I can’t help it.

               “Okay. You stay here. I’ll go check it out, alright?” he grins smugly at me and walks down the stairs. He’s obviously just humouring me!

I stand alone in the corridor a couple of moments before that feeling of being watched returns. I quickly make up my mind and walk into Haden’s room, closing the door behind me. His room is enveloped by darkness and I stub my foot against something hard and cold. I curse to myself and fall into Haden’s bed.

The door creeks open and a figure steps in. I shrink into the covers. The movements of the figure are too feline to be Haden.

               “You can’t hide from me, Jessica,” the same whisper from my dream floats towards me. I let out a blood curdling scream. I grab something off the table, causing a loud ruckus.

The door flies open and Haden stands in the doorway, his body tensed.

               “Haden!” I half shriek and half sob.

He crosses the room, and pulls me against his hard chest.

               “No. Be careful...he’ll hurt you!” I shriek, pulling away from my guardian, ready to attack the mysterious figure.

Which...isn’t here.

               “Who? Jess, there’s nobody here except you and me,” Haden whispers quietly, prying the lamp from out of my hands. “Are you alright?” he whispers against my hair, rocking me back and forth a little.

               “Yeah...” I mumble shakily. Was the figure part of my imagination?

               “Jess, you aren’t okay. Tell me what’s frightening you,” he continues, still rocking me.

               “I had that dream again. But it was different this time...” I begin, before my voice gets thick with my sobs.

               “Alright, alright. It’s okay. Everything’s okay. See? You’re fine. Everything is good,” he keeps repeating pulling me deeper into his warm embrace. “Wanna bunk with me tonight?” he asks finally.

I nod my head in eagerness, and he chuckles quietly.

He pulls me down on the bed beside him, and covers the both of us with the blanket. “Try and get some sleep, okay?” he whispers, his voice getting a little distant.

               “What if I have the dream again?” I ask. I feel like kicking myself! I’m behaving like a six year old!

               “I’m here, aren’t I? Nothing is going to hurt you. I promise,” He whispers, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing it.

I nod my head and close my eyes, gripping Haden’s hand tightly.

Sugar, Spice and a pinch of FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now