Chapter 30

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---------- Chapter 30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               “Wake up time, honey!” Emily sings as she walks into my room.

               “Hey Em,” I croak, before pulling the blanket over myself again.

               “Do you want to take a day off?” she asks, sitting down near my legs.

               “No,” I mumble reluctantly. I’ve already missed a week of school with all the drama that’s been going on around here.

               “Okay then,” Emily murmurs, pulling my blanket off.

I groan to myself and sit up, trying to keep myself awake. Eventually I manage to get my lazy ass off the bed and walk over to my cupboard. I grab my skinny jeans and long sleeved shirt and head into the bathroom. I fix the water and climb in, enjoying the aroma and the heat.

Anderson walks in, gives me my breakfast. Basically, it’s exactly like what things used to be. I kinda missed the routine.

Half an hour later, I trot down the spiral staircase and into the kitchen where the guys are.

               “Hey Jess,” they chorus.

               “Hey guys!” I call back, smiling wide. Maybe everything will just go back to normal from now on?

               “Ready?” Haden asks, grabbing his keys. I nod my head and follow the guys out to the garage.

We climb into the Porsche and Haden guns the engine. “Hey Jess? We need to teach you how to drive soon. Then we can go and pick a car out for you,” he calls over his shoulder at me.

               “Seriously?! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I squeal in delight.

Matt, who’s sitting beside me, smiles at my reaction and winks. This is amazing! I’m gonna get a car! A freaking car! Yes!

We pull up in the parking lot and I hop out of the car, jumping up and down in excitement. “Calm down Jessy!” Haden murmurs, grinning.

I grin back and hitch my backpack higher up on my shoulder. “I better get to class. I’ll see you guys during break, kay?” I call.

               “Hey Jess, you should sit with your friends. We’re a little busy this break,” Haden replies, walking in the other direction towards his class.

I purse my lips in irritation. You see, I spend almost every moment I can with the boys. I didn’t really bother making any friends. I thought we’d move anyway, so there wasn’t any reason for me to make friends and have to say goodbye later on.

So I walk alone into the main building and hang a right till I get to my classroom. I take my usual seat right at the back. Everyone is busy discussing something exciting, while I sit all alone like a major loser.

               “Who are you going to ask?!” one of the girls squeals, clearly excited.

               “I was hoping one of the senior guys would ask me out,” the other girl admits shyly.

               “Senior? As in one of the A-level guys?” her friend asks, amazement in her voice.

               “Well yeah! There are twice as many A level guys than girls. At least half of them will be free, right?” the other girl replies.

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