Chapter 8: The Return of the Grand Admiral

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Pagonn Elshires POV:

"No...I-Impossible. You died!"

"My death was...greatly exaggerated" says Admiral Thrawn with a smirk.

His smirk is probably meant to be amused, but even that looks evil and intimidating on him

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His smirk is probably meant to be amused, but even that looks evil and intimidating on him. And his piercing red eyes are quite a distraction.

Grey looks just as shocked as me, but he composes himself and bows "It is an honor to meet you, Grand Admiral"

"I'm sure it is" he stats matter-of-factly.

"Please excuse us, Grand Admiral. We are...suprised, that's all" Sol speaks up. The Chiss takes a closer look at each of us, like he is scanning our bodies. I notice how his eyes narrow down on me and Sol and I start to feel uneasy.

"Understandable" he says.

"We just...can't believe you are alive, Sir. We all thought you are dead or...have abandoned us" Vonreg speaks up.

The Admiral nods "I see. But don't worry, all will be revealed very soon" He stands up "I would like to have a word with Baron Elshire and Miss Sol. The rest of you will be escorted to the bridge by the stormtroopers outside"

Sol and I nod at our friends to let them know that it's okay. Besides, we may not be his subordinates but he is still a higher ranking officer.

As soon as our friends leave, several holograms appear, which depict art.

"Are you...familiar with art, Baron Elshire? Miss Sol?" Thrawn asks and stands up from his chair, taking a walk along the pictures.

"We are...more familiar with the Art of War, Sir" Sol says. The Admiral pauses and looks back at us. Is it just me or does he look pleasantly suprised?

"Oh? And what might that be, in your opinion?" He's now standing in front of us. Up close, the Admiral is even more intimidating.

"That you have to understand your enemy to defeat them. Understand how and why they act. Know their philosophy" I speak up.

"And to chose your battle at the right time and place" Sol finishes.

Thrawn smiles at us. Is he proud? "You compete each other well. I heard you get along quite well"

I share a look with Sol. How does he know that? "Well...yes, Sir. But how did you..."

He raises a hand to stop me "I have eyes and ears everywhere, Baron"

"Like the man who saved us on Glee Anselm?" I ask. He nods "Yes. He is one of my Sleeper Agents"

"Sleeper Agents? What is going on here?" But before I dare to ask more questions, a beeping sound catches our attention, as the comlink of the chair clicks "Grand Admiral, we will be arriving very soon"

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