Chapter 6: Prisoners of War

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Pagonn Elshires POV:

They brought us into one of the houses and locked us into sparate rooms. Mine is empty, with no windows and nothing in it aside from a table and two chairs. Of course they are going to interrogate us.

They searched us and took away our weapons and bag, but I can't help smiling as I look at my helmet on the table. They haven't found it.

Not yet anyway. And I have to make sure it stays that way.

They told me to stay put. The sergeant who brought us in said the general himself was coming to question us. I bang against the door over and over again, but it is of no use.

There is no way we are getting very far anyway. Especially with our handcuffs.

If we were in our fighters, it would be different. Up there, in space, I feel...alive. Despite the dangers, I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the galaxy. But here, on the ground, it doesn't feel the same as with my steel hull around me.

I don't feel like a machine or a mighty weapon. Up there, I'm the Flight Baron. Down here, I am nothing. I am weak.

Especially without my friends. Without Sol.

I sit down, close my eyes and pray "Stars above, if they are looking for us, now would be a good time to show up" But nothing happens. Almost two hours pass, before I hear footsteps approaching and the door opens. Two human males enter. One is a captain, with a full beard and around 30 years old, the other is much older, maybe over 50 and wearing a generals uniform.

"Well, well, well" the General says and takes a seat in front of me, while the Captain stays behind him "We finally caught you two"

"No, we're in the habit of getting locked up" I joke. The captain stiffles a laugh, but the general is visibly displeased. I smile smugly.

"You're a funny one, aren't you?" the General asks and takes out a datapad "I'm General Wyatt and this is Captain Kassandro, the commander of this outpost. I have to say, I'm suprised. We thought for sure, the jungle would have swallowed you up"

"Jup. We're tough"

"Indeed. Now what's your name Pilot?"

After a short pause, I answer "Pagonn Elshire, Baron of the Empire. Identification number 0072389. That's all you're gonna get from me"

The two officers share a look, before the general leans closer "Really? So you're not gonna tell me where you hid the datacard?"

"If only you knew" I thought "I don't know what you're talking about"

The General slams the table with his fist, which startles the captain "Do not play me for a fool! I know you and your friend have it"

"Even if I knew what you were talking about, I wouldn't tell you. What exactly is it that you want back?"

The Captain speaks up "That's top secret. Don't play us as fools, Baron"

There is an intense pause, before I say "Like I told you, I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe we had a card, maybe we don't"

The General slams the table with his fist again, this time with even more force and the stand up, towering over me "Listen here, I don't have time for your games. If you don't tell us where it is, you'll regret it!"

"Oh yeah? Are you gonna torture us?" I tease, knowing that there not gonna do it. They claim there "the good guys", and have to be better than us.

"Maybe I will"

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