Some werid water

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The paladins were all traveling in the castle. They were going to a call they had just gotten. All the Paladins were in their respective seats, Allura on her main podium, and Coran on the control panel. It was wasn't an awkward silence....but at the same time it was. That was until Pidge did what Pidge did best. Make fun of everyone.

"Hey dad!" Pidge says trying to get Shiro's attention.

"What did I say about the dad thing?!" Shiro says sternly, turning around to face pidge.

"Oh c'mon dad!" Pidge says back with a smirk. "Your inner dad is already coming out!"

"I swear to god..." Shiro says grabbing the bridge of his nose and Turing back around.

"C'mon Pidge. Leave dad alone!" Hunk says with a goofy smile knowing he's pushing Shiro's buttons.

"Please Paladins..." Allura says with an annoyed sigh. "Leave your poor leader alone...."

"Oh c'mon Allura! What harm will it do???" Pidge asks innocently causing Hunk to snicker.

"For the love of Altea!!! If you don't stop bothering poor Shiro! I will take away your right of being a paladin and I will bring you to a black whole!!!!" Allura yells

"Wait....we can't stop being Paladins??? That's not possible!" Lance says confused.

"Yes you can. You just have to be dead!" Allura says facing the group of Paladins.

"Jeez!" Lance says shocked. "At least let me get your number before you kill me!" He says with his signature smirk.

"Oh shuuuut up!" Keith says annoyed.

"Oh what now? You haven't said anything for the last 2 Vargas!(Hours). So why don't you take your own advice and shut up yourself." Lance says strongly.

"Oh! Nice one Lance!" Hunk compliments.

"Thanks Man!" Lance says facing his best friend.

"Enough!" Shiro says loudly.

"Yes sir!" Pidge states saluting to Shiro.

"Hahaha!" Lance laughs.

"Alright, alright! We're reaching our destination." Allura announces.

"Wooo! Let's go-" Lance says but stops once he sees their destination. It was a beautiful planet. A beautiful planet that looked like earth. "Oh-oh my that earth?" Lance asks.

"No lance. Sadly it's not." Pidge states. "However. It's very much like earth. It even has the same oxygen levels as earth. Meaning we can breathe here!" Pidge says with excitement towards the end of her sentence.

"Alright!" Hunk says with a smile.

"Let's go Paladins!" Shiro says.

*insert of them going to their lions*        *brought to you by me being a lazy bish...and Shiro being space daddy*

"Ok!" Pidge says. "So...looks like there's not an attack happening here??"

"Hmm...maybe like...we just can't see them??" Hunk asks.

"It's possible..we should just fly down and see." Keith suggests.

"Good plan Keith, but Pidge can you scan the area and see if you can get anything? That way if it's a surprise attack we'll be ready?" Shiro asks but also kinda demands. In a nice way of course.

"Yeah! Let me just..........ok! It really looks like there's nothing here." Pidge states with slight worry in her tone.

" think maybe they're hiding? Like they did in the Balmara?" Lance asks. Confused on what's happening.

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