A Baby Lance?!

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It was an early training morning for the team of Voltron. They were doing a lot of hand to hand combat. Lance and Hunk were able to change their guns into Swords even. Of course they weren't the best at Hand to hand combat. But they quickly learned how.

"Alright team, Since Lance and Hunk now Know how to use their swords properly. They need to know how to fight with it. Pidge you will show hunk how to fight with it. And Keith will show Lance." Shiro says in his dad voice.

"Shiro!! Why KEITH?!!" Lance complains.

"because I said so Lance. You two are the only ones that haven't fully bonded." Shiro says putting his hands on his hips.

"c'mon Shiro just let me show Hunk. I don't want to hear this baby's whining.." Keith says rolling his eyes.

But before anyone could say anything else The castle shakes and Lance falls of his balance. crashing onto someone special. Keith..

"gah!' Keith yelps as Lance falls on him. "L-lance get OFF!!!"

"What happened Keefy? Did the "baby" fall into your Lap?' Lance says with a cocky smile.

Though Keith wanted to make a comeback he couldn't because then the castle shook again.

"uhhhh guys!" Pidge says worriedly. "The galra are here and attacking!!!!!!"

"Quick Paladins Head to your lions!!" Allura yells.

Everyone dose what their told and runs to their hangers. When they get outside they see a lot of fighter piolets, ships with Ion cannons, and a rather large looking ship with some type of weapon on it.

"ok team!' Shiro yells through the coms. " I need pidge and Keith to take care of those fighter piolets, Lance and Hunk take out the ion cannons. coran what Kind of ship is that?"

"Shiro it Appears to be a ship with a weapon on it. But this weapon is very powerful. You must take it out or it could end up killing one of you with that much power!" Coran says through the coms with worry in his voice.

"alright team lets do this!" Shiro yells telling the other paladins they can start to fight.

The battle was going well. Keith and Pidge took down the fighter piolets in no time and went to help Lance and Hunk. Leaving Shiro to work out on getting rid of that ship. Which was hard since it had its particle barrier up.

While the four paladins were getting rid of ion canons the large ship with the weapon began to aim its self at Keith.e Lance knew he had to protect his teammate, no matter what cost. So he dashes forward. Yelling "KEITH!!!!!!"

Keith didn't have enough time to see Lance push him out the way of something. but he heard it through the coms...


And with that he saw the blue lion out of power, just floating there lifeless.

"LANCE?!" everyone yells rushing towards his lion.

"Allura open a warmhole NOW!" Shiro yells through his coms.

"Of course!" Allura says back opening up a warmhole. when doing so, Keith grabs the blue Lion ad rushes it into the warmhole.

all the lions got into their hangers. And right away Keith is the first one to run to Lances hanger. everyone following behind. when they get there they see. Blue out of power an no sign of Lance. But blues mouth was open so Keith ran in anyway. But as soon as he got inside it closed behind him.

"Lance...?" Keith calls. But there is no reply. He sees Lances chair and runs to it....Only to Lances armor. but then it starts to move. then Keith sees small curly hair pop out from the neck hole of the armor. Keith slowly moves the armor to revel a small baby. With big bright Blue eyes, tan skin, and curly brown hair. But then he realizes something. The baby's NAKED and that baby it LANCE!!!

"GAH! umm...Here take this!" Yells throwing a Blue blanket at him. But all Lance dose is sit there with a blue blanket over his small baby body. "oh wait... Here Lance..." Keith says raping the blanket around Lance where his hands are still free.

All Lance could think to do is make grabby hands at Keith. Hoping he knew what Lance meant. and of course he did and Picked Lance up. "guess you really are a baby know huh?" Keith says with a smirk on his face. causing Lance to get angry and Hit Keith right in the nose with his small fist.

"oww!" Keith yelps moving Lances hand away from his face. getting a small giggle from Lance. "lets get you to the others I guess..." Keith says walking out of the Lion. Causing everyone else's worried faces turn into shocked ones.

I-is that... LANCE?!!" Allura yelps running towards Keith.

"Awwura!!" Lance yelps making grabby hands towards her.

"AHHH he said my name!" Allura squeals picking him up out of Keiths arms.

"Swiro! Pise! Oran! Hunmf!" lance says making grabby hands at the three of them.

"aww he said our Names!!!" Hunk squeals running to his bestie.

Even though Lance was getting attention he wanted more of it. from someone special. So he did what he could. he squirmed in Allura's hands so she put him on the ground. from there he wobbled up and slowly made is way to Keith. He then Grabs Keith Ankle and wraps himself around it. "Keef, Keef, Keef, Keef, Keeeeeeeeeef!" Lance Yells trying to get Keith's attention.

"wah-Lance!!" Keith says annoyed picking up the small baby that was around his ankle. and Holding him so they would be face to face. but before Keith could say anything else Lance plops his Head into Keiths neck.

"gah! Lance!" Keith yelps from the sudden touch.

"I wove wouuuu Keefy!!~" Lance coos into Keiths neck.

"hehe...I wove you too- HEY WAIT I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Keith says bringing Lance out of his neck and holding him slightly above his head.

"tee hee!" Lance says giggling. But before Keith could say anything else. Lance places a small kiss on the tip of Keith's Nose. and all they could here was their team in the back round of their own laughter.


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