Someone needs a hair cut

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It was a nice afternoon for the Klance duo. They were both laying in bed together, in Lances room. They had both went and eaten Lunch with the team and went back to resting. Since it's yet another one of their many testing days. They were both just Laying there and Lance was humming one of his many favorite songs. Keith had his back turned to Lance and Lance had his head on top of Keith's. Their feet were intertwined and Lance had his hand over Keith's upper waist.

"Mmm...Mullet..." Lance says with slight Annoyance in his tone.

"Mmmm..." Was all Keith said back.

"Mullet~" Lance says softly trying to wake up his half asleep Boyfriend.

"Mmm!! What Lance.." Keith Says annoyed.

"Your mullets tickling me!" Lance slightly pulling at the end of his mullet.

"Ow! Lance! If I bothers you that much then you should have thought about that before you asked me out." Keith says jokingly.

"You don't think I know that. Mullet." Lance says grabbing Keith's chin and turning his face causing Keith's body to move too. Till he was fully turned around facing Lance.

"Lance~ let me sleep!" Keith says with a fake pout.

"Sorry babe, but that's not happening." Lance says looking down and his boyfriend.

"And why is that?!" Keith says removing Lances hand from his chin and crossing his arms.

"Because my handsome Samurai, 1 you won't go to sleep later tonight. And 2 because we need to do something about your mullet." Lance says tugging at His mullet again.

"What?! Lance, you actually want me to take care of my mullet?!" Keith says shooting up and sits cross cross.

"Yes, Keith." Lance says seriously. Sitting up with Keith.

"I...I don't lance..." Keith says with a sad look on his face. "My dad was the one who told me to let my hair grow. Since it reminded him of...of mom..."

"Oh god! Keith..." Lance Says pulling Keith into a tight hug.

"I...I just miss him..Lance..."Keith says, with a tone like he's about to start crying.

"Let it out.." Lance says softly into Keith's Ear.

"No..." Keith says pulling away from the hug. With no sign of tears in his eyes.

"Keith..." Lance says placing his hand on top of Keith's.

"I have to stay strong for him." Keith says with a sad smile. "And that means cutting my beautiful mullet...then so be it."

"No! Keith!" Lance says with worry In his voice.

"I'm gonna cut, like you wanted..." Keith says looking confused at his boyfriend.

"Yeah I know but...If it's something your dad wanted then...keep it!" Lance says with a sad smile. 

"How about, I trim it's getting kinda long and it's starting to hang out of my helmet." Keith says with a smile that warmed Lances heart.

"Oh Keith I love you so much." Lance says jumping on Keith, pulling him into a hug, but because Lance jumped on him they begin to fall back, and Lance on the floor, with Lance on top of Keith.

"Gah! Lance!!" Keith yelps turning red. "Get off!"

"Wah! Keith!!" Lance says as he gets kicked off of Keith and onto the floor beside them. "Oh that's it! You asked for this!" 

"Lance!" Keith says jumping and running out the room. Lance then grabs Scissors from the bathroom and starts to chase his boyfriend.

They ran through the halls yelling at each other. Everyone was In the control room, so no one heard. Nobody was doing anything just laughing about Their favorite ship, Klance.

The two ran into the control room running around the paladin chairs, the control panel and just other stuff like that.

"Get back here I'm cutting that mullet!!" Lance yells.

"We said trim not CUT!" Keith yells back.

"Woah you two what's going on!" Shiro says stepping in front of Keith.

"SHIRO NO! MOVE!" Keith tries to run past him but Lance is already behind him with the scissors.

"Lance you shouldn't run with Scissors and Keith why are you running?" Allura says in her mom voice.

"I need to cut his mullet!!" Lance yells.

"We said TRIM!" Keith yells back.

"Wait you gonna cut his mullet?!" Shiro says with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Yes!!" Lance yelps.

"Paladins! ATTCAK!" Pidge yells running towards Keith.

"WAH! NO!" Keith yells and before he knows it he's sitting in a chair, with a red blanket over him, the Paladins surrounding him. And his boyfriend in front of him.

"Ok! Like you said we will trim your mullet. Well more like I will. Fun fact I use to cut my siblings hair when we were younger, and it actually looked good!" Lance says with a wide smile.

"Listen Please babe don't do this!" Keith says sitting up.

"Nope your staying down!" Hunk says grabbing Keith's shoulders and Making him sit back down.

"C'mon just a little trim~~" Lance says with a pout and blinking.

"Fine. But I'm gonna need someone to hold my hand. Pidge!" Keith says turning to Pidge.

"Are you serious.." Pidge complains Grabbing Keith's hand.

"Very!" Keith yelps.

"Alright! Let's start this procedure!" Lance says grabbing Keith's hair.

"Mmmmm." Keith says forming a pout and squeezing pidges hand.

"Omg..." Pidge says annoyed. 

"Alright Hunk! Hand me the comb!" Lance yells.

"Right away sir!" Hunk salutes and grabs the comb. Handing it to lance. "Here sir!"

"Alight were just gonna trim the ends dear." Lance says looking at Keith.

"Mhm.." Is all Keith answers.

Lance then begins to comb Keith's hair into the right spots for him to get and even cut.

"Allura I need the scissors, STAT!" Lance says placing his hand out.

"Check!" Allura says grabbing the scissors and placing them in Lances hands.

"Mmmmm~~" Keith says squeezing Pidges hand.

"Are you crying..?" Pidge says annoyed yet again.

"Wait! Is he really crying?!!!" Lance says looking at Keith. Just to see him fake pouting and Keith looking at him with no tears at all.

"Pidge! Don't scare me like that!" Lance says sternly to pidge. "Or I'll cut your hair too!"

"What?! No! I've been trying to get it to grow since FOREVER!" Pidge yells.

"Alright, Alright. I'm gonna cut it now ok..?"

"Mhm.." Keith hums shakily,

"Alright..." Lance says placing his fingers in Keith's hair and cutting the end.

                            About 1 hour later
"I can't believe I let you cut it!!! It feels so weird!!" Keith says nuzzling into Lances neck.

"Babe...I only cut half an inch.." Lance says patting Keith's back.

"Hmfp!" Keith huffs into Lances neck.

"There there, mullet..." Is all Lance could say back without bursting out into laughter.

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