What the futrue holds...

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It was a quiet day for the paladins of Voltron. Shiro, Allura, Coran, and Lance were in the Control room, Hunk was cooking in the kitchen, Pidge was in her hanger, and Keith was on the training deck. Shiro was talking with the Alteans about their next move in their plan to defeat Zarkon. Lance was just sitting in his respective chair looking at the stars. Back on earth he would go with his siblings to the highest hill they had on the farm and watch the stars. And dream of one day touching them. that's what made Veronica and Lance join the garrison. because of their love for the stars. But as he looked at the stars memories from the garrison came back. And along with garrison memories came the people. which led him to, Keith. The emo kid that would always try to one up him.

He just couldn't get Keith out his head. All the times they've shared together in Voltron. It made Lance realize why he liked Keith so much. He's liked Keith for a good amount of time now. Keith's the person that made lance Bi. Well bi curios. he knew he liked Keith, but he didn't know how they would work out. Not to mention. everyone in his family is straight and doesn't really care for homosexuals.   

God why is this happening?! I either like him or I don't! Stars help me decide. Before I do something stupid...

Lance thought to himself before he was cut off by Coran calling his name.

"hey Lance, think you could go clean the escape pods for me. I need some help with them. Just for now get started. we still have a lot we must discuss." Coran said with a soft smile of appreciation on his face.

"Oh. Uh! yeah sure no problem at all." Lance says sitting up nd walking out the door.

The room that had all the escape pods was on the far, back side of the castle. It was actually right next to the training deck and bedrooms. So when Lance walked pass the training deck and saw Keith gulping down water and quickly getting back into a fighting stance. He was kinda annoyed but also glad he wasn't the only one on this side of the castle.

Right away Lance got to work cleaning left and right starting with the far back ships. To then make his way to the ones by the door when he was done. He had been in there for about 30 minutes and was about halfway done. He went to go grab more soapy water in a bucket; to start cleaning his next ship. When all of a sudden Lance gets thrown backwards and all he can see is smoke but could hear nothing but ringing in his ears. Lance can't move at all, as if he were in some type of shock.

What the quiznack is going on!! What's happening?! What happened to the ship?! Was all that went through Lances head as he slowly got his hearing back and decided to try and stand. That was a wrong move though, because as soon as he stood he ended up stumbling but being caught by someone. He looks up to see....himself.

"How-what-this-I-" Is all Lance can say from shock.

"Uh hello Lance, well me, well younger Lance...?" The older Lance says.

"How is this possible?!" Lance says standing up still in shock.

"Uh well...Katie needed me to go back in time to look at the markings from when we touched them in the cave of the blue lion. But something went wrong with my engine. And here we are." Older Lance states rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait so let me get this straight? Not only are you talking about Pidge when you say Katie! But there's TIME TRAVEL?!" Lance says quite loudly.

"Yes and Yes...Listen me, I need help with my ship...if I don't get it fixed then I could be stuck here till Katie gets it to open back up in the same spot. Or I could end up in yet about her time." Older Lance states seriously but with slight worry in his voice.

"I might be able to help but this is more of Coran and Pidge's thing. But I'll try.

Just as they were about to walk over to the ship now that the smoke was cleared. They hear the doors open quickly and someone rush in.

"What happened in here?!" A voice yells causing both Lances to turn quickly.

"What. The. Quiznack." Keith says in complete shock with his Bayard out in a defensive stance.

Lance explains everything to Keith and he was in the same amount of shock that Lance was.
However while Lance was explaining to Keith. Future Lance sees that Lance has a slight blush on his face. Then it came to him. He remembered what time he was in. Once Lance finished explaining everything. Future Lance pulls him over.

"Listen. I remember what time I'm in, and what happens during this time. So I know what your going through. I want you to know you don't have to worry. Your aloud to be you Lance. I wanted someone to tell me that when I was younger. But I had to figure it out on my own. But just know that it's ok to like guys too."

And with that Lance was as red as the red lion. His whole face burned up. But it burned up even more when he looks over to see Keith shocked. The only reason Keith could have a shocked look on his face is if he heard what happened.

Then Everyone comes in shocked and scared. Lance then explains everything, again. Coran and Pidge agree to help with the ship so Lance doesn't have too. Thank god for them.

Lance, Future Lance, and Keith was sitting on one bench while Shiro, Allura, and Hunk sat on the other.

"Hey Me?" Lance asks turning to his future self.


"Did I ever find someone? Like do you have a partner?" Lance says looking down.

"Oh,umm...no.." Future Lance says looking down too. But then he sits up straight and removes his fingerless Glove to Show. A red Wedding ring.

"WAIT! you got married?! I get married?!" Lance says in utter shock.

"2 whole Years now...."  future Lance smiles softly looking at his ring.

"Wait! Lance, gets married. This Lance?" Keith says Pointing to Lance.

"Oh hush it mullet! At least I could get someone.  Your probably sad and alone!" Lance says crossing his arms. But before Keith could answer anything else. A big blue portal opens up and someone steps out.

"KEITH?!" Future Lance runs to the portal to Hug Future Keith.

"Gah! Lance!! C'mon sharpshooter let go!!" Get says as he gets squeezed by Future Lance.

"I-is that me?!" Keith says getting up in shock.

Future Lance let's go of Keith so younger Keith can see him.

"Uh did you, just call me....sharpshooter...?" Lance says slightly red.

"Umm...I Uh...yes. I did cause everyone does! Yep totally! It's what we all call you. Like how someone STILL calls me mullet head even though I don't have one anymore. And how we call Pidge Katie, even though it just to get her mad, and We call Coran the gorges mustache man!"  Future Keith says slightly red. 

"But...what are you doing here...?" Lance asks nervously.

"Well I came to get Lover Boy over here back home. Cosmo misses you ya know," Keith says turning To Future Lance.

"Wait who's cosmo?" Keith asks.

Then all of a sudden a blue wolf pops out of nowhere and runs to future Lance. But then he turns and Sees younger Keith. He disappears and Lands right in front of Keith.

"He's a space wolf!" Future Lance says with a smile.

"But enough chit chat, Lance we need to go back home. Katie needs those pictures of the markings." Future Keith says folding his arms.

"Uh...about that...I didn't get them. My ship crashed and Now Younger Katie and Coran are fixing it." Older Lance says rubbing his Neck.

"That's Pidge to you Lance." Pidge says angrily. "But it's done know so your good to go!"

"Thanks Pidge. And it was nice to meet our old selves." Future Lance says with a smile.

But as The two Future boys wave goodbye. Lance notices something on Keith's Hand. He has a matching; blue wedding Ring.

And then it all clicks right into place for Lance. Keith was his future partner....

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