Space Mall

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"Alright everyone. I asked you here today for one reason." Shiro states, standing in front of the paladins in the Common room. With Allura.

"Well? What is it Shiro I wanna go train." Keith states

"I need to do my skin care routine!" Lance jumps in.

"I have to work on my lion." Pidge says pushing up her glasses.

"Yeah! I wanna try a new cake recipe!" Hunk says rubbing his stomach.

"Alright, Alright Paladins. We know that lately you've been working hard in defeating Zarkon. So we've decided that we would head to the space mall.

"A MALL!?" Lance yells while sitting up.

"NO WAY WE CAN FINALLY GET THE GAME IVE WANTED!!" Pidge yells doing the same.

"YEAH!!" They yell simultaneously. And high-fiving each other.

"Can you two hush?" Keith says crossing his arms.

"Oh SHUT up mullet!" Lance yells rolling his eyes. Causing Pidge to sit back down knowing what's about to go down. Everyone else dose too.

"Stop. Calling. Me. MULLET!" Keith yells balling his fists and standing up.

"I can call you whatever I want! MULLET!"

"No you can't!"

"Aww I'm Swwy Keef! I didn't mean to hurt your feewings!" Lance says in a baby voice.


"Make me then...Keefy!"


"MALL!" They both yell.

"But here's the catch. You will be handcuffed to each other AND There is no take backs.

"WHAT?!" Lance yells

"SHIRO THATS NOT FAIR!" Keith yells back at his brother.

"Either that or you two stay here, we lock you in a closet, you will have to make out with each other, and if you don't. we will not let you out. Even if we have to fight Zarkon!" Shiro yells.

"W-what?!" Lance asks as he feels the heat rise to his cheeks.

"S-SHIRO!!" Keith yelps into his hands to hide his blush.

"Ha GAY!" Pidge yells.

"Pidge!!....You know it's Bi!" Hunk says putting his hand on pidges  shoulder.

"GUYS!!" Lance yells at his friends.

"W-wait your Bi?" Keith asks surprised.

"Y-yeah! Did you not know?!" Lance asks while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Alright enough of your gAy nonsense. LETS GO TO THE MALL!" Pidge yells.
"Ok so what store do you want to go to first." Lance asks as his Right hand is connected to the Hand cuffs while his Left is free.

"Let's head to....that store!" Keith points to a store that looks like it has a lot of weapons inside...mainly knives.

But before Lance could protest Keith starts to run to the store, pulling on the handcuffs with his left hand.

"Gahh! Keith!!" Lance yelps.

"Oh shush, Sharpshooter!" Keith barks back pulling on the hand cuffs forcing Lance to follow.

As they entered the weaponry place Lance saw something that caught his eye. It was a small Keith action figure holding his sword and next to it on display was a replica of Keith's sword.

"Keith WAIT!" Lance says pulling on the handcuffs.

"What now, Lance!" Keith asks annoyed.

"Look Keith they have an action figure of you!" Lance points at the figure.

"W-what! Really..?" Keith says in shock.

"Yeah look!" Lance then points at the mullet on the figure. "I'm pretty sure you're the only guy that has a mullet these days."

"Oh shut up!" Keith says crossing his arms pulling Lance forward and Landing hold Keith against a shelf.

"Uhhh....K-Keith?!" Lance asks very confused as to what's happening.

"Gah....umm..sorry I didn't mean too." Keith says wide eyed to what just happened. "O-oh Lance look they have one of you too. Actually t-they have the whole team in here!" Keith says pointing at every corner of the room.

"W-woah, Cool!" Lance says in amazement.

God how do I like this goof! Keith though to himself

The two had three bags each. Keith had gotten some clothes from a store the looked EXACTLY like hot topic, Lance got stuff from old navy, Keith had bought some new boots at a shoe store, Lance stoped in a place like Bath and Body Works and got some lotion and other body products, Keith got 3 new knives to add to his collection, Lance had bought a video game that he thought him and Pidge would enjoy.

The team all met at the front after shopping for like 2 hours. And let Lance and Keith go. But as soon as Keith was let go he booked it through the mall and now the team was on a search for the red paladin. Well at least that's what Lance thought. Keith had liked Lance for a while now and wanted to tell him. So he came up with a plan and told the team. They would go to the mall, Bond, talk, then right when they were about to leave, Keith rushes to a jewelry strore and pick up the matching bracelets he had ordered for him and Lance. The brackets had infrared in them. "Love you too the moon and back" they were silver and had a small clasp with a jewel. Lances has a blue jewel and Keith had a red jewel. He was gonna give Lance his and then ask him out.

So now Keith was picking up their bracelets. And the team was telling Lance the opposite way Keith actually was. And after what felt like forever. Keith made it back to the front where they had originally been. Then the team dragged Lance back in "defeat" of not finding Keith. But then Lance Keith with Flowers and a card that said in big blue letters "Lance" and then Keith holding out matching bracelets.

"W-what is this?!" Lance asked red and confused.

"Lance, we've been in space for a while and there's one thing that we haven't done...Gone to the moon...but ever since that day back on earth when you helped me rescue Shiro. I loved you to the moon and back." Keith says holding out the flowers and bracelets. "So I want to you feel the same?"

"O-omg! YES!!" Lance yells as he runs to Keith and hugs him tightly putting Keith in shock.

"W-wait really?!" Keith asks with wide watery eyes.

"Yes!!!" Lance says pulling away from the hug.

"Then...prove it to me.." Keith says looking Lance right in the eye. Telling Lance he has consent.

"Of course." Lance says with a smirk and he pulls Keith into a gentle, soft kiss.

As they let go all they hear is Pidge say...

"Well this was a shopping spree to remember!"

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