I Finally found who i am!

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            It’s been two weeks since all these happened; Jake is finally off of his punishment. He can now watch TV. It was a good thing I punished him though, he has been helping out around the house, He has been doing his homework on time, his teacher even called me and told me how incredibly proud she is of him. Turns out he changed friends also. He realized life is too short to be playing around. He has grown into a very charming man, and all thanks to me and His wonderful new dad Law. We aren’t a regular family but we are a family. Tonight I and Chad are going to the movies and after we are going on a little ride.

            I'm really excited it has been in forever since we have ever been on a date. I still talk to my dad, infact just last night we went over and had dinner. “Cassandra hurry up, we will be late for the movie” Chad screamed downstairs. “Coming” I grabbed my necklace on my dresser and put it on. Looking at myself in the mirror I couldn’t help but trying to figure out what it was like to being single but I can’t seem to think how it felt. It just feels so good being in a relationship. I love the feeling of Chads Arms around me. The way he smiles and pulls me close before he kisses me. I bit my lip and smiled. I ran downstairs. “Ready” “okay lets go” “Have fun love birds” Jet says eating a banana. I laughed and rolled my eyes in a playful way. “I sure will”

            I kissed Jake on the head and told him bye. We got into the car with the windows down and the wind blowing in my hair. “You want me to put it up?” “No, I like it” He smiled. We have been dating for a month. It is funny how time flies by so fast. It felt like just yesterday we just meet and now we are dating. I held his hand while we arrived at the movies. “Can’t wait” “me either” The movie lasted for an hour. When it was over we came out laughing. It was a Tyler Perry movie. “The best movies ever” “I know right, I just love them all” He smiled and grabbed my hand. He pulled me close and whispered “You’re so perfect, how did I get so lucky” I smiled and kissed him “Because you are a lucky man” He laughed and walked me to the car. “Now to our next visit” I nodded while he closed the door.

            “Where are we going exactly?” I asked him as he got into the car. “You will see” As he drove I didn’t recognize any of the roads. “Where are we going?” “I told you” “Chad!” “Cassandra! It’s a surprise!” “Fine” sounding like a little kid. I always hated surprises but I felt good about this one. He stopped. “Why you stopped?” “We can’t go any further until you put on the blind fold” “Do I really?” “You want to find out what It is right?” “Yeah” “here” he handed me the blind fold. I felt stupid but I did it anyway. He drove again. “Don’t you dare peek you got me?” “Yes father” he laughed.

            The Car finally stopped, I heard nothing but silence, I heard his door close. I'm guessing he came around to my side because next thing I knew he was grabbing my hands. He pulled me out. “Don’t move” He says then quickly closes the door. I stood there confused, scared to move, finally he moves me around again. “Come on, Follow the sound of my voice”

             Now we are getting closer. I heard nothing, but people talking. Is this a party? No there’s not music, a baseball game?  No I don’t hear people shouting. Where could be going? Finally he stops. “I'm going to count to three then you can take off your blindfold” “okay” he counts to three slowly. I wait till he says three then take it off. It’s dark but not dark to where you can’t see anything. It’s dark where you can look up and start to see stars. “Where are we?” “Turn around” I do as he says and my jaw drop. “Whoa” He smiles and raps his arms around me. “I love you Cassandra, I want to spend the rest of my life with you” At that moment the fireworks start to go off. Everyone says “ohs” and Ah” at the fireworks, one of them caught my eye. It spelt “Will you marry me Cassandra?” I cooped my hands to my mouth and cried. I turn around “yes, yes” He smiles and hugs me. “I love you then” then we kiss. It was the most romantic thing I have ever seen. I will never forget this. We stayed the rest of the night watching the fireworks as he hands me my engagement ring. I couldn’t wait to tell the others.

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