Come home already.

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            “My father is alive?” Jake asked again in shocked. I prayed to god she will say yeah but she says “We think so we haven’t got all the information yet” “How long?” He asked her. “Two maybe three days we aren’t sure” Jake put his head down. “I want to find him now” “I promise to call as soon as I hear something” She smiled then walked us out of her office. It hurt me so much to imagine how Jake is feeling right now. That moment I know his life will change.


            I couldn’t help but cry. It has been Two days now and still no Jake or Law. I prayed and prayed they will call or show up to tell me they are okay. Chad kept telling me to get my mind off of it but how can I? I have so much on my mind. So I decide to video chat Roi and Alex Since I haven’t talked to them in forever. I couldn’t help but remember the last time I saw them, before my mom called me to go over. They were in a middle of a skit. “I'm so sorry Roi, I’ll go” “No, Cassandra you can stay” I smiled “Okay, so what skit were yall doing?” He laughs. “It’s called Beauty and the Rolanda” I laughed. “Oh lord, I bet it’s going to be great!” Alex came into the room “What are you doing?!” he looked into the camera “CASSANDRA!” I laughed. “Hey Alex” “How are you?” “I'm Okay. What about you guys?” They both smiled “Great” Roi left to go into the kitchen to get something. “You sure you are okay? You look like you’ve been crying” I couldn’t lie to him. “Okay you might now believe me so I'm going to tell you anyway” I explained to him about everything even with Law and Jake. Alex jaw dropped. “What. Wow, I don’t blame you for crying” “yeah I don’t know what to do” He puts his Hand on his chin.

            “Here what you need to do, call your mom, talk to her about everything” “even the fact that I lost Jake and law?” He nodded “Well he is her son anyway” “But not by blood” “True but Cassandra if you were missing Jake would of called your mom right away” I nodded “Okay, okay I will I'm just scared of what she’ll say” “Don’t be she will understand and they might not be missing you don’t know” I nodded. “But what am I supposed to do about Jake and Law?” “Don’t do anything for now, if a week comes and they still haven’t talk to you, then you call other than that, there’s nothing you can do” “Yeah you are right, I just hope they are okay” “I'm sure they are”

            I smiled “Thanks Alex, I owe you one” “Anytime” “Well I’ll let yall go, I'm going to call my mom” “Good luck” I laughed “Yeah thanks” I got off the chat and went straight into my room. I needed some time alone. Chad invited the rest of the boys to the house to have a boy time.  I stayed on the phone for hours talking about all kinds of things. I did tell my mom about Jake and Law. She was calm about it. I started to cry when she says

            “Cassandra, he is your responsibility now, I want you to adopt him, you are right I am a horrible mom” “No mom, you are the best, I shouldn’t of acted like this to you” “Aw Cassandra I love you” “Love you too mom, I'm glad we finally can put all this behind us” “Me too when you find Jake please call me” “Okay” We Chatted the rest of the night.


            While Cassandra was upstairs on the phone with her mom, I decided to have a guy’s night out. I haven’t had one in a long time. Even though it didn’t feel right without Law, we still had a great time. I knew in my heart he was okay. I could just feel it. Dumbo brought the beers and Can brought some snacks. We watched the game and clowned around. Jet got up “I have an idea” I made a face “What idea?” “Quick grab your camera, let’s go somewheres” “What about Cassandra?” “She will be fine” I shook my head “okay hold on” When I went up she was asleep. I kissed her forehead and left a note on her pillow.

Finding YourselfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora