Meeting the POREOTICS

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It was just a regular day when suddenly I get a phone call it was from Johnny. "Cassandra dude! What are you doing?" "Uh nothing why?" "Go look on YouTube now!" "Ight" I grabbed my laptop and went on YouTube. "Now what?" "Go look who is the number one" I scroll down then froze. Could this be? Am I dreaming? "Are u there?" coming back to reality "yeah; yeah I am" he laughs "can u believe this!?" "I know!!!" we both laugh. I can’t believe im the number one YouTuber ever!!

            I get interrupted by a ringing noise. I rub my eyes. Of course it was a dream. I reach for my phone "hello" it was Ryan "Hey im glad to hear the good news" I laugh "ha yeah me too!” “What you doing today?" "Im going bring Jake to his friend’s house he wants to go sleep" "oh okay can I come over?" "Sure" "ight see u later" I go back to sleep till im ready to get up again. When I do I get dressed and go downstairs, Jake is watching his show.  "Cassandra?" "Sure Jake" he smiles I knew he was going to ask me this. He always does. I grabbed a pop tart and sat down on the side of him. "Why you dot watch them with me?"

            "I dont know bugga" "is it because of me?" "Of course not, I would love to watch anything with u, except this" why is he asking me this? "Why?" I sighed here it comes. "You really want to know?" "Yeah" get ready Cassandra. I don’t like telling people this, "fine, you know how I used to dance?" "Yeah and you were amazing" "yeah that’s the point, I was, and now im not" "how do you know? You haven’t danced since" "that’s just it, that’s why I dont want to because I gave up and it’s always been my dream to become a dancer" he nodes "it is okay Cassandra I understand if you dont want to watch it you dont have too" I hugged him "I want too" he smiled big "you do?" "Yes" we watched it together. I was really impressed at those dancers.

             We watch them till three. "Okay ready to go?" "im hungry" "that’s not what I asked you" he shrugged "so but I am" I laughed at him "alright ill make you a deal, I’ll buy you some McDonalds if you tell me if you’re ready" he thought about it for a while "okay, I am ready" "okay met me in the car” I locked the door and waited for him. He finally came. I went to McDonalds and ordered our food, I decided I should get some too and one for Ryan. Jake doesn’t know he is coming. I dropped him off and went back home then called Ryan. He came in no time.

             "Here this is for you" I handed him his food. "Really? You didn’t have too." "But I wanted to" "thanks" he smiled I smiled back. We sat down. We both ate our food. "So?" "So what?" "How do you feel?" "Good. I guess" "How did you decided to stay on YouTube?"

            "Oh you know some really great friends of mine" I smiled at him. He smiled back. "That’s what im talking about!" I high-fived him. He put in a movie and we watched it till we feel asleep. “Hey bugga how was the sleep over?” “It was really fun, we went out to the movies and we ate a whole bunch of junk food” Jake told me what he did last night; while getting into the car. “Wow that's really amazing! I'm glad you had a great time” “me too” He smiled.

            Ryan was already at home. “Put on your seat belt we going meet Grandpa and grandma” “Okay” He did what I told him. They are the only two people I would love to live with any day. We haven’t visited them in about a year. They live far away though, they live three hours away that's why I told Jake to put on his seatbelt, I usually don’t let him but he definitely does now. Since it was a long ride I let Jake pick the radio stations. I usually do that but I decided to let him. We stopped at a spot to get gas and I let Jake get something to eat on the way there. I was pumping the gas when my phone went off; Jake was in the car so he answered it. 

            When I got in he was still on the phone. I wonder who it is. I started the car and took a sip of my Icee. We were on the road again. He finally got off. “Who was that?” “Johnny” “What, why didn’t you let me talk to him?” “I don’t know” I can’t believe he didn’t let me talk to him! It’s my phone! But I’ll let it go. “Whatever, what did he say?” “He asked us to go with him on some kind of tour and I told him yeah!” “Jake!” “What? It sounds fun!” “What kind of tour?” “He said something about a TICTICTOUR?” “Oh yeah, I know what that is” “What is it?” “Johnny is the host of some famous dance group tour, they dance and all kinds of funny things but why did he ask you to go?” “Because he knows I like dancers I guess” I thought about it, I guess I’ll go.

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