Finding Yourself

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                Why she never told me? Why did she make me live a lie? Why now, why did she tell me now? My life was perfect before this! I can’t believe this! My life has always been a lie! Throwing things around my room, I find my old box; I put everything personal in there. I find a picture of me and my mom I always looked at this picture a thousands of times but what makes it different now? Well I’ll tell you, my dad is in there I’ve always looked at this picture and I never noticed him but why now? … Whoa, wait a minute. You are probably like what is she talking about? Dad? Who are you? We’ll let me start from the beginning. I am a not who you think I am, In fact my whole life has been a lie, but here let me tell you.

            My name is Cassandra Ventura, well I thought I was anyway I'm nineteen years old. You might think that this is weird but I am a YouTuber. I have been a YouTuber since I was fifteen. I knew I wanted to do this because when I was little my mom bought me a camera and I started to do little stupid things. For Christmas I made a home video, my mom loved it and I posted it on YouTube for my other family members who live far from me, the next thing I knew I started to make regular videos. I am very popular. I love what I do. I'm very funny and outgoing. I work with a lot of the famous YouTubers like Mychonny, Ryan Higa, Kevjumba, and Wassabi Productions. My fans are always asking me to do collaborations with them. We get along great. As you can tell, yes I love Asians. I don’t know what it is but I get along better with Asians then white people, it’s funny I know.

            I met Ryan Higa at the Vidcon, if you never heard about it; it’s where all the YouTubers go to meet their fans and it only happens once a year. It’s really fun, when I first went there, I thought I wasn’t going to have a lot of fans but I did. I was really shocked to see so many people there. I always was a big fan of Ryan. I smiled watching his videos every time I watched them. I was in the middle of hugging fans when Ryan came up to me. I wanted to fan girl him so much but I tried to stay calm. He is just perfect in person! He took me to the side and told me that he liked my ideas in my videos and wanted to do a video with me. I defiantly said yes. I couldn’t say no. I mean come on its Ryan! By that time I was only sixteen and three years later here I am hanging out with him all the time. We talk on the phone all the time. He is just like a brother I never had. And of course I met Kevjumba through Ryan; I was at his house doing a video when he walked in. Ryan introduced me to him and told me he is great at doing videos. I smiled and asked him if he wanted to do one with me. He was fine by that.

            A about a month later I met Mychonny. I was shopping when we bumped into each other. He wasn’t like himself that day for some reason but about a day or so later he messaged me on YouTube and said that he was sorry about running into me and that he had a bad day and would like to make it up to me, so I told him he could put me in one of his videos and sure enough he did.            

            Soon after I did videos with Mychonny, Kevin and Ryan, I get a random message on YouTube from these guys name, Wassabi Productions, Roi and Alex, they had said they have been seeing me all over YouTube lately and they would be honored to do a video with me. I never heard of them and thought “Maybe I should” I watched some of their videos and fell in love; I definitely wanted to meet these boys. So I told Roi “yeah I would love to” And here I am being the most popular girl YouTuber out there. Nobody thought I could do it but here I am! I proved the haters wrong!

            What most people dont know about me is that I'm a dancer, I always wanted to dance growing up, my two dreams I always wanted to do was become a famous dancer or in my case now, Become a famous YouTuber, one thing happened. I am very proud of it too and People know it, I'm not afraid to show it. I'm the type of person, that when I start something I definitely will finish it. No matter how long it takes. That was the first thing Ryan noticed about me when we first made a video together I wasn’t going to finish till it was perfect. I'm still like that. I have a little brother he is ten. He is always watching Americas best dance crew. I watched it once, it is okay, I heard a lot about the famous dancers but I don’t know I just haven’t been into that show like my little brother.

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