Chapter 50

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"You know I hate chocolate." I pouted.

"Don't be such a hater and eat the thing." He said tired of my bickering.


"Fine suit yourself." He said eating the chocolate with an unpleasant face.

"You look adorable." I laughed and he turned his back to me.

"Aren't you going to say thank you?" I asked and he didn't reply. "So you're giving me the silent treatment all of a sudden."

I jumped off the counter and went in front of him and he turned the other way. I sighed because he was acting childish.

"You really want me to eat it that much?" I asked but he still wouldn't answer. "Okay fine," I said and he turned around smiling.

"I can't believe I am doing this," I said shaking my head.

"Come on, do this for me," he begged so I opened my mouth and waited for him to put it in my mouth. He placed a piece on my tongue and I closed my mouth.

"How's it taste?" He asked.

"Like I said, awful." He laughed at me before he hugged my waist.

"Okay I get it you won't like it but I tried my best." He said pecking me on the lips, then leaving wet kisses on my neck and my shoulder.

"Hmm, you know I wouldn't mind eating something else..." I smiled at him.

"Like what?"


"Hey, don't tempt me, be careful with what you say because I'm up for anything."

"Haha I'm just joking by the way let's go to the skate park, I want to see you in action."

"I thought you'd never ask." As he was about to kiss me his phone rang. "Not now." He said taking out his phone and looked at it.

"Oh," he answered and I could see how he wanted it to end. "Hey, sorry I didn't get to call you and we need to talk and it's not over the calls or messages but face to face."

"Yes probably gonna hate me after this but I think it's fair I tell you when you get back... You have to come back in order to know... Okay... Bye." He sighed and put the phone back in his pocket.

"What was that all about?" I asked suspiciously.

"Us, she needs to know and I know we both want the same thing."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"Each other, and if that means she's going to hate me then she's going to hate me. I love you, Zhan." He said all teary-eyed.

"I love you too Yibo."

"So what do you say?"

"I say we tell her, she'll get over it eventually but she'll lose trust in me and I don't know if she'll talk to me the way we use to or look at me the same way, I'm her bigger brother, of course, she's not expecting this, from childhood we promised no matter how angry we are at each other we will never stop loving each other but she probably forgets that promise by now." I heaved a sigh. "Love is so complicated but it's worth it."

"You're worth it."

"Hmm..." I said trying to hide my smile.

"Come let's go before we change our minds." He said grabbing my wrist. "I have some cool stunts I want to show you, I've been practicing for years."

"Well, well if it isn't Yibo trying to flex with his skating skills." I laughed and he shrugged.

"It's not flexing, it's called impressing the one I love." He smirked and I couldn't stop smiling.

After we reached the skate park it was empty no one was coming I guess or no one was there as yet but I like it this way just us.

"Hey, I should be your only distraction."

"Jealous much," I laughed and sat on the bench.

"Your mine and mine only so yes I am jealous of the skate park even though I love it."

"Hmm, I'm sorry then. I'll only look at you." I smiled looking at him.

"Much better."

When he started to skate I couldn't lie every day I fall in love with him more and more I can't even explain the feeling. Judging by the looks of things I think I'll always be gay for only Wang Yibo.

"Did you like it?" He asked panting standing in front of me so I had to look up.

"Nope, I loved it didn't know you were so handsome when you're skating."

"Pssh, was I never handsome doing something?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Well not that I know of."

"It's hot in here," he said pulling up his shirt with all his abs showing. I unconsciously bit my lips because I couldn't stop thinking of how attractive and sexy he was.

"What? You liking what you see?" He asked smirking hovering me with both hands beside my thighs and his face was very close to mine, now I'm getting hot.

"When did I ever not like what I see?" I asked smiling.

"Hmm, solid point." I couldn't wait any second longer before I put my lips on his and we started kissing until I'm out of breath we pulled away.

"I still hate chocolate."

"Hey no fair, I could just leave it there it was begging me to eat it." He complained.

"I only like it when I taste it in your mouth."

"Fair enough." He smiled standing up and pulling down his shirt. "So wanna learn?" He doubtfully asked.

"Sure but a next time, Huan is coming over so I want to make sure I'm there," I said holding his hands.

"I can't wait to see her," Yibo said smiling.

"Me too, she should have been here from morning but she isn't." I frowned. "There's something I forgot to tell you."

"What's that?" He asked.

"Huan likes my sister."

"Wow, that's unexpected," Yibo said surprised.

"I know right when it comes on to those things she's just like me."

"I feel sorry for her." He said looking at me.

"You don't have to exaggerate." I rolled my eyes. "But she has us and we'll never ever leave her out of the picture."

"Hmm-hmm." He smiled.

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