Chapter 44

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Huan was over in no time because she had somewhere to go and someone to talk to and she would at least feel better away from her mother than with. She didn't knock but just barged in and close the door behind, a little paranoid thinking her mom is following but who wouldn't with such a mother.

She walked in and looked for him but when she didn't see him downstairs he went upstairs and knocked on his bedroom door and Zhan opened it.

"Hey." He said in a low voice.

"Come on give me a hug. We both need it." Huan said hugging Zhan and he laughed.

After they let go of each other they went and sit on the bed, Xiling sat up and leaned back on the bed head and told Zhan to lay down on her lap.

"So what's up?"

"Well, You know this by now. I think I'm in love with Yibo I denied it so many times I start to believe." Zhan sighed.

"You are really in love with him silly, you just didn't want to believe so you just tell yourself you aren't." She giggled.

"Do you think he feels the same way?" His voice filled with worry.

"I wouldn't know but the only way you could find out is to tell him the truth, let him know how you feel." She said to him.

"He told me once after I tell him how selfish I was at the moment I believed him but maybe he doesn't feel the same anymore."

"It's not easy to love someone then stop loving them, it takes time for people use things or someone else to help them get over it. But deep down it's there I'm not saying it won't go away but it's not overnight."

"You're right, I'm scared bec-"

"I don't want to hear it, don't lose him because you'll lose him forever. Here's what you should do after you tell him how you feel prepare yourself if he doesn't feel the same way, you'll cry, maybe, I don't know but you'll get over it eventually." She said looking at the ceiling.

"Okay, I'll tell him and prepare for what comes next."

"I need to confess something too, I haven't tell anyone but..." She said stopping before looking at him and continuing where she left off. "I like girls."

"You do?" Zhan asked getting up and looking at her.

"Yes, I lied to the girls that I have a crush on a boy but I really didn't. I'm just afraid they won't accept me or talk to me because they're afraid I might hit on them." She frowned.

"So you have anyone you like?"

"You'd be surprised." Huan sighed.

"It's not who I think it is?"



"No." Huan laughed. "No, but close it's actually Xiling."

"My sister? That is the last person I'd think about." Zhan said laying back down.

"Yeah, but she only has eyes for Yibo and I hid my feelings pretty well too." Huan shrugged.

"It's going to be hard for her though if Yibo feels the same way about me."

"Yes but the longer she stays with Yibo the more she falls for him and the harder it will be." She sighed.

"I know but she's my sister no matter how hard I try my conscience would eat me alive." Zhan sighed.

"I know that feeling but I'd get over it somehow." Huan didn't plan to say anything about the condition she was living in, she didn't want to be a burden but she held it long enough. She didn't have to say everything.

"Can I stay for the night?" She asked, "Since my mother is an alcoholic and she'll be displeased with me coming in late so I want to go back in the morning because she sleeps in late." Huan explained.

"Sure you can stay as long as you want, you're welcome here anytime. If she does anything to you just come over, or I'll call the police."

"Thanks" Huan smiled nervously then cleared her throat. "Let's do something fun," she suggested before they got up to do something, anything.

Meanwhile, Yibo and Xiling have just arrived at their destination. Xiling was hesitant to get out of the car.

"What's wrong?" Yibo asked.

"It's too late to turn back now." she heaved a sigh ignoring Yibo's question and getting out of the car.

They both took out their stuff from the trunk and closed it. Xiling pressed the doorbell and waited for and answered in no time her mother opened up and when she realized that Yibo was there she gasped and couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey, Xiling." She said hugging her and Xiling wore a frown throughout the whole hug displeased with her mother's way of greeting. "And who is this handsome young man?" she said looking at Yibo up and down.

"Goodnight, I'm Wang Yibo," Yibo said bowing.

"Nice to meet you, you probably already know I'm Ms. Xiao, Xiling and Zhan's mother." She said and hugged Yibo too and he was a little surprised.

"Where's dad?" Xiling asked.

"Inside, oh, come on in. It's very cold outside" she said opening the door for them. They took off their shoes at the door and entered. "Xiling show him where to put the bags and don't take too long." her mother said and she leads him to the room where they will put their stuff.

They quickly went back downstairs where Xiling's mother was waiting on them they went around the table and sat placing the towel in their lap while Ms. Xiao brought some hot chocolate to warm up the cold lads. Mr. Xiao then entered the kitchen and sat around the table and so did his wife.

"Hey Xiling how have you been?" her father asked.

"It's okay could have been worst but it isn't," Xiling replied smiling and sipping her hot chocolate.

"And you are?" Mr. Xiao asked but in a calm tone and Yibo introduced himself and bowed. "You're a very handsome young man, I can see why my daughter chooses you but good looks are not everything."

"My husband can be straightforward at times, sorry about that but since you're here we know your name but we'd like to know a little bit more about you."

"Well, I want to become a doctor but both my parents are business people, I just grow up in a home where they taught me to help people. I don't have any siblings but I live with my cousin. I've already applied for college so I would just go straight to college after high school. I'm a small man with big dreams but you know what they say 'go big or go home'." just with those words, Yibo has gained Xiling's father's respect. A small man with big dreams.

"You my son is one in a million you've got both looks and ambition." Mr. Xiao nodded as he was pleased.

"I'm just sad Zhan isn't here," Ms. Xiao said looking at her husband.

"Yes he would have probably been tight if you guys met and you wanted to date his sister so overprotective," They all laughed.

"We met," Yibo replied.

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