Chapter 19

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Zhan's P.O.V

I was underprepared for everything, lingling is just not thinking at the moment. She knows I can't cook and she invited a total stranger who will be expecting an exquisite meal. I sat around the table and scrolled through my phone looking for something to cook and found the perfect recipe. Chicken Ghiveci, I've never made it before because it's Romanian braised chicken and it looks mouth-watering. I decided to make it with white rice that would be the perfect combination.

When I was finished making up my mind I heard the door flung open and lingling skipped in like a 5-year-old. A second didn't pass after she saw me she ran straight over to where I was.

"So when should we invite them?" She said looking frantically.

"Hey chill out, who gave you sugar?" I asked.

"Okay I'll tell them to come at 7 because it's after 4." She assumed.

"Yes since it was dinner I didn't want to cook early and the food went cold."

"Yeah, that's good." She asserted and fled.

I went directly to the kitchen and began a 50/50 masterpiece or nightmare. I made sure to look at the recipe keenly and meticulously make the food. After tasting and dumping and starting over I eventually finish and I was right on time because I've finished five minutes before seven and I use it to set the table after I was finished lingling begged me to let them in because she was occupied so I went and unlocked the door and saw Soyun.


"Hi," she smiled and I let her in then when I was about to walk away I heard a knock again I went over to the door and unlocked it and it was Huan.

"Hey, how are you?" She asked grinning.

"I'm good thanks for asking." I let her in and shut the door behind her then a few seconds I heard another knock. I was so irritated, what was lingling doing so long. I walked over there with little to no composure. I opened the door and my eyes were blessed, literally.

He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. I guess he must get used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way followed by overcomesting with a casual gaze and a soft smile.

"H-hey." I stuttered and I covered my mouth out of surprise.

"Hi, you must be Xiling's brother." He smiled, I wasn't ready for this he's a man why am I feeling like this. I nodded and let him in.

He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the civil expressions of his voice. I wanted to choke Xiling so bad, she did this on purpose she knew he was going to come. We all sat around the table and started eating.

"Who made merely made it across to the bridge of tasting good," Soyun commented.

"Hey, you know that Zhan isn't the fairest in the kitchen," Xiling said picking up for me, I wasn't sure what to say or what to do.

"Hmm I like it," Yibo said and everyone looked at him. "What?" he inquired perplexed then glanced at me.

"So there's something wrong with my taste buds?" Soyun asked.

"It's actually not bad what's it called?" Huan asked.

"Chicken Ghiveci its Romanian braised chicken, I haven't cooked it before but it looked so mouth-watering," I added.

"Yeah and it tastes delicious, Soyun why are you denouncing the dish. If Yibo likes it then it tastes good." Huan hmph.

"Sorry, my bad."

"You came here to know my brother right?" Xiling asked Yibo.

"And the lunch I invited you to and you didn't to come because I forgot to text you where." He smiled. How did he forget that?

"So Zhan talk about yourself." Xiling raised a question.

"Other from what you all have already known I work at the Microsoft company and we've just got new workers so I only go to work 3 or 4 days a week. Xiling and I are the only ones living here and I just read when I'm not busy with work or spend time with Xiling" I explained.

"So love life?" Huan asked.

"Well, I'm dating no one at the moment." I smiled then went back to eating.

"Hmm well, then how about you Yibo?" Huan asked once more.

"Well I want to be a doctor, but I also play football and do skateboarding in my spare time and I also sketch but only on meaningful events. I live with my parents and I don't have any siblings so my mother wants me to hurry up and get her a grandchild." We laughed at the last thing he said and smiled.

"So you're a sports guy huh?" Soyun asked.

"Yeah, sports is like therapy to me."

"So do you like sports Zhan?" Xiling asked.

"I don't know since I've gotten older and have responsibilities I don't have time to think about it."

"Well I want to invite you to my basketball game next week Friday, I bet you'll like it after you see me play." He smirked.

"Okay, I hope you are as good as you claim to be." I deadpanned.

"There's no false claim here." He reassured looking at me and back at his food.

"You're so full of yourself," Xiling said softly.

"I'm not actually, but when it comes on to sports I want to make sure that people enjoy it or see that it's not just a game there's more to it than that." He clarified.

"Yep he did change my mind if not manipulate it making me like sports but I don't regret it one bit." Xiling gleamed.

"That's for sure." Human said but I just realized that Huan was talking more than last time.

We all went back to eating the place just went silent after a sudden I wanted to look at him but I don't want him to catch me staring. He is tolerable but I just want to see if he looked handsome enough for my sister. I pouted.

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