Chapter 25

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The next day had come and I woke up at my regular time and got ready for work. I wasn't complaining about how exhausted I was but I felt kinda relieved to go to work. When I got myself together and was ready to leave I saw Xiling coming downstairs.

"You look like a roadkill." I laughed.

"Good morning big brother." She faked a smile and went and sat on the couch.

"No school today?" I asked.

"No I only have one class today and it's after lunch it was sent in the message group so I'll be leaving late."

"So why bother to go today?"

"I have voluntary service at the library." She whole-heatedly sighed.

"Hmm okay, I have to go, bye," I said leaving and closing the door behind me. I felt like a new person but has the same job. The sky looked a little gloomy but didn't look like it would rain today or soon. I went into the café near the office to grab a coffee. I took my coffee and went to work I greeted everyone who was before my desk and when I reached I sat down and smiled.

I took a sip of the coffee and placed it on my desk and I glimpse a letter 'e' so I spun the cup around to see what was written on it.

Have a good day handsome.

I chuckled at how cute and considerate, only Xiling would say this to me but I guess she's not the only one now. I dipped the coffee and for some reason, it tasted different like a new ingredient was added. Acting clueless is so overrated because I know what is, it's love.

I placed the coffee on the far side of the table and opened my laptop. I started to continue the program before I heard a loud thud on my desk and I looked up.

"Oh, hey Lisa." I smiled.

"Hi," she said giving me a bad look. "What the hell did you do to the program?"

"I did everything that was supposed to be done and I heard that it was successful," I said worrying.

"I wish you knew the truth." She said facepalming.

"W-what happened? I'll fix it just tell them I didn't mean to," I said panicking. Then I heard her laughing and holding her stomach.

"You should have seen you're face." She said pointing at me.

"Not funny," I mumbled and turn around to my computer.

"I was just joking I wanted to get you back for being mean to me the morning after the movie."

"I'm sorry Lisa I didn't mean to be rude." I faked a quick smiled and looked away.

"Hmm... The only reason I forgive you is that I got you back." She laughed.

"So it's a win and a win, win okay that seems fair," I said sarcastically.

"No need to be sarcastic now." She said before walking off.

I wasn't vexed at her but that was uncalled for. The day went by quickly because before I knew it it was 2 pm, I was happy to go home. I went home and took off my shoes and went straight up to my room and took a shower because outside looked like it was going to rain soon and I want to be in my bed.

After I took a shower I put on a white t-shirt and shorts. I went over to my bed and laid down I decided to go on my phone before I go to sleep.

Third Person P.O.V.

Yibo didn't go to school because he had to go to the doctor with his mom to make sure she was okay, his dad was busy with work and he didn't want to leave his mother alone. He came home early so he decided to give Xiling a surprise visit because she said she didn't have any classes today forgetting to mention that she was going to school in the evening.

He went over to her house and knocked on the door but there was no answer because Zhan turned up the volume he couldn't hear what was going on downstairs. Yibo tried calling once more but there was no answer, he tried. He turned the locked and door was opened so he smirked, and walked in, and closed the door behind him.

He saw that no one was in the living room so he went up to Xiling's room but no one was there he was about to give up but then he saw Zhan's room and he decided to go look he knocked first and Zhan was startled.

He wasn't expecting anyone at this time he was puzzled because Xiling was at school or did she lie? He thought but he shrugged it off and unlocked the door.

"How did you get in?" Was the first thing that came to his mind, and the last person he'd expect to see.

"The door was unlocked so I thought Xiling was here," Yibo explained. "But don't we have some unfinished business?" Yibo asked.

"What unfinished business?"

"My feet are tired from looking for Xiling I might want to sit for this one." Yibo Sadi smiling at Zhan so he let him in. Zhan sat on the bed and pat the space beside him for Yibo to sit.

"You and Xiling have different styles," Yibo said commenting on Zhan's room decor.

"Why'd you say that?"

"Because of how you both decorated your rooms. You're more organized, simple, and unique decorations but she's more of a simple, basic room design." Yibo said, carefully highlighting the details.

"Hmm...thanks I guess," Zhan said feeling a little uplifted from what Yibo said. He was a little happy he liked it he couldn't hide the fact.

"Okay, so back to our bet, remember you have to do one thing I say, there's no backing out or second option," Yibo smirked and Zhan could felt Yibo's dominance then and there but he tried to hover it.

"Okay do your worst." Zhan dared so Yibo smiled, he leaned in closer where his lips were barely an inch away from Zhan's ear.

Zhan could feel his hot breath on his ear every time he breathed and it sent shivers down his spine, but that was the least after what Yibo whispered Zhan was out of it.

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