#26 - The Talk

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"What's your lazy ass doing at home today?" Tomo asked around a big yawn.

"Finally, sleeping beauty is awake." Tul said. He paused the game that he was playing and looked at Tomo. "I heard you had a rough night?"

"Ya, just some guests creating ruckus. A trip to the hospital, then the police station etc etc. Nothing major." Tomo replied wryly. "What about you?"

"I sprained my ankle. So took the day off."

"Sexy time gone wrong in the shower?" Tomo guwaffed.

"Ass!" Tul retorted with a corresponding laugh. "Nah, nothing so dramatic, slipped of the step ladder last night at the café."

"Want some coffee?" Tomo asked wandering towards the kitchen.

"Yep!" Tul answered going back to his game.

Moments later Tomo was back with a couple of bottles of beer in one hand and a bowl of cornflakes in the other.

Looking at Tomo's toothy grin Tul asked, "Isn't it a tad early to start drinking?"

"Making coffee is too much work. Whereas beer can be had any time of the day and night." Tomo replied, making his way to the balcony. "Come on, stop being such a stuck in the muck bitch. Besides beer tastes best with cornflakes and gossip."

After the two had settled down in the balcony, with their feet propped up and comfortably sipping on their icy beer Tul asked, "What's the latest with you two? Should we start ringing wedding bells or still too early?"

Tomo laughed, "That's like putting the cart before the horse don't you think. Besides we still don't have a law for same gender marriages." Tomo answered wryly.

"Hmm... I wish they pass some law soon." Tul commented.

"Why? You that desperate to become Maxii's wifey?" Tomo teased.

"And what makes you think I would be the wifey?" Tul questioned raising one brow.

"Well now that I think of it, I think Max would be the perfect nagging wife. Especially since you both had some kind of role reversal lately." Tomo answered.

"Role reversal?" Tul asked curiously.

"Ummm... I don't know, it's just that nowadays I feel Max's has become less aggressive and more complacent. And you have also changed some. Like you are not that goofy and dorky anymore. You have suddenly become more mature or something." Tomo said thoughtfully.

"Really?" Tul asked strutting dramatically and fluttering his lashes.

Tomo rolled his eyes and laughed. "Ya, right, that's VERY MATURE. Idiot!"

The talk then drifted to other things just to come back after a little while to Max.

"What's really going on between the two of you and Ten?" Tomo asked casually.

Tul visibly tensed at Tomo's question. He didn't really want to once more think about that bastard Ten and how he was screwing around with Max's head.

"I just want to punch that asshole's teeth down his throat." Tul said vehemently. A moment later realizing he had spoken out loud and out of context for Tomo to understand.

"Whoa! Since when do you resort to violence? Now what did Ten do?" Tomo didn't really need a reference to know Tul had meant punching Ten and not Max.

Tul then narrated in brief the whole drama that had occurred on the night of the Anniversary party and the days following the big fight between him and Max. He of course left out the private bits between him and Max.

Forever or Never (TulMax / MaxTul) - FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora